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Some Intermediate Economic Results of Obninsk Development at 2008

   On preliminary data, the volume of investments into City economy will make more than 5.2 billion rubles (20% growth by 2007), industrial outputs - 11.6 billion rubles (+15% by 2007), volume of building work - 3.65 billion rubles, the average monthly salary - 16884 rubles (+29.7% by 2007), a sales volume through a retail network - 15.2 billion rubles (+40% by 2007. The townspeople actively buy complex home appliances, update furniture, and repair apartments.

On official data, there are 183 unemployed and 2051 vacancies from 187 enterprises in City on 12.01.2008.

There are 7 enterprises in territory municipal industrial zone settle down where work 1600 person today. Twelve scientific organizations of City have improved the economic parameters and have kept scientific potential.

The account part of the City budget at 2009 will make 1.8 billion rubles (the salary of state employees, privileges for 33% of the population, charges on housing and communal services).

The anti-crisis staff headed by the chapter of City Administration is created. Its problem - to stop attempts of artificial bankruptcies, dismissals of people, to not suppose possible gamble on a crisis theme.


   On December, 12th, 2008 solemn rewarding ceremony of participants of the All-Russia competition on a rank Most Well Arranged Russian City has passed at the All-Russia Exhibition Center. Obninsk has been awarded certificates and a special prize of the Regional Development Ministry of the Russian Federation and the All-Russian trade union for active work on improvement of street and road networks and the traffic organization.

In a conference hall of the main office building Sergey Kruglik, the deputy minister of the Russian Federation regional development has handed over the award to Nikolay Shubin, the chapter of Obninsk Administration. In interview Sergey Kruglik has noted the special importance of development and an accomplishment of Russian science cities, as the centers of Russian innovative economy development. Obninsk, being the first science city, involves in itself enhanced attention and is pleasant, it still to be one of leaders.

Nikolay Shubin, has noted, that at support of Anatoly Artamonov, the Kaluga region Governor, Obninsk Administration will work further above creation of comfortable conditions for Obninsk inhabitants. Reconstruction intraquarter roads, street illumination and other engineering networks will be continued.                              (The press-service of City Administration)


   12.04.2008  The new house on Blohintseva Street stops a sight of the passer-by the magnificent building with huge windows is ideally entered in beautiful park. But the detached onlooker cannot be presented what wars go around of this construction. And if who about them also can hear, it, honestly, will not envy the people who have invested the apartments. Today they name that situation in which have got, as pirate capture.

In far 2003 Open Company "Souvenir-service" has suggested the townspeople to build habitation on equal footing. It was planned only 11 apartments for 6 floors. The area from 140 up to 240 sq. m, high ceilings, a fireplace, two bathrooms, extensive loggias, halls, etc. The place Old City silent, cozy. Plus to all covered car parking, a marble entrance, and systems of video observation.

The prices from height of today are looked more than attractively 16 500 ruble. per sq. m. That is the 4-roomed apartment about 180 sq. meters managed under the contract the little more than 3 million rubles. Planned dead line of building the fourth quarter of 2004. However, with the clause term and the price can vary during construction.

Business moved more or less well down to 2006. Though cost of construction by then has grown clients "Souvenir-service" had to sign additional agreement. Apartments dont cost 3 million now, but 5-6. And to it like too would reconcile. But soon director of the company has called assembly money again does not suffice. We have already run into debt 6 million to builders, and 6 more it is necessary on operational development of the house up to mind. Shareholders were indignant: how many it is possible to extort money? My position about which I repeatedly spoke, it is necessary to repay for construction, Sergey Gerasov, the founder of Souvenir-service explains.   Differently the company will go bankrupt, and the house can sell by auction .

Today Sergey Gerasov, it is possible to tell, not at affairs: its company "Souvenir-service" is bankrupt, it is engaged in its affairs the competitive managing director from Kaluga, and the house which four more years wished to hand over back, and is not completed. However, Sergey Gerasov is written down in turn of creditors of the company, and the sum of a duty to him is certain rather big more than 4 million. And here shareholders like as at anything.

Clients "Souvenir-service" have no rights to almost completed apartments.

There is a weight of various schemes, the lawyer of shareholders Victor Alekseev speaks. here, for example, one of them. The enterprise has been bankrupted, its property estimate under obviously low price, sell to repay. And the new owner, having bought all for nothing, then can sell it already for normal money. In this case shareholders have enclosed in construction almost 60 million ruble. But the competitive managing director in the report has specified what to sell a building with a high degree of probability it is possible all for 30 million. Though it is theoretically possible to sell a building and for 1 million. New owner will realize hardly apartments below today's market prices and its market price now in any way less hundred millions. And shareholders are assured, that business will develop on the most negative for them to the script, naming an event as pirate capture.

Sergey Gerasov assured that it not so: The house will be completed, on my calculations, it is necessary from 4 up to 8 million, and today's clients will live there. But whether it is possible to consider these words convincing enough and demonstrative?

On November, 5th 2008 "Souvenir-service" have recognized as the bankrupt.

Shareholders tried to struggle, even law enforcement bodies involved asked to understand, as their means are spent. The check of "Souvenir-service" passed last summer, but the bases for excitation of criminal case has not found. And in a year the company already became the bankrupt. Shareholders have gone to Obninsk City Court with the request to allocate in the house of their share. And on October, 31st 2008 the court has complied this request for four clients "Souvenir-service". It has recognized the property right in not completed construction. And now their share cannot be sold already. But the decision has not entered validity. It has been protested the competitive managing director and Sergey Gerasov. What for? If apartments will depart to us in the property, shareholders are assured, sale of the house loses sense. And no capture of property will occur. And differently we can appear simply in a paradoxical situation: to us will suggest buying our apartments on second time.

Position of Public Prosecutor Office: it is valid, we recently have finished check of Open Company "Souvenir-service", Dmitry Chibisov, the assistant to the public prosecutor of Obninsk has explained, and by its results the decision on a direction of materials to court with the purpose of possible criminal prosecution to the attributes of the crime which have expressed in caused property damage citizens and deliberate bankruptcy is accepted.

Natalie Kosheleva, №26 МК in Obninsk


Outside Session of Federation Council Commission on Natural Monopolies for A Theme Problem of Normative and Legal Maintenance of Nuclear Scientific Complex Activity took place in Obninsk

   11.27.2008      Members of Russian Federation Council, a management of State Corporation "Rusatom", heads of large scientific complexes, representatives of local and regional authority have taken part in action.

Nikolay Shubin, the Chapter of Obninsk Administration has told, that today Obninsk can by the right consider of pioneer for the Federal target program of nuclear branch development. In our city new technologies, perspective ideas on use of atomic engineering, nuclear and radiating physics are offered. Thus the major role in the Federal target program has to be given to IPPE - leading Obninsk enterprise.

Besides Nikolay Shubin has noted that presence of leading nuclear power institutes and educational institutes has played a key role in construction of federal nuclear medicine center in our city.

Special reports have been heard: about prospects of a nuclear scientific complex, about the state and private partnership at realization of large innovative projects in nuclear branch, about legislative maintenance of protection of intellectual Rusatoms property and about legislative support of fundamental science in nuclear branch of Russia.

After decision-making participants and visitors of session have lodged an exhibition New Generation Nuclear Power Technologies, located in the main IPPEs case.           (


Network of Competence

    11.26.2008    So in German refers to clasters if to translate literally. Strategy of long-term development of the Russian Federation till 2020 now prepares for the statement in the Government. In strategy the claster approach to development of regions is actively used. Moreover, it is underlined on clasters as one of regional development priorities that assume division of a national economy not only on territories, but also on technologies. This fact should be considered at Obninsk development strategy. And the world practice shows high efficiency of claster approach to development of territories. That is why the initiators of Obninsk innovative way led by the deputy of Legislative Assembly A. A. SOTNIKOV have taken claster model for a reference point.
 Obninsk initiative has found the response in federal structures. In particular, on one seminar organized with participation of movement
Obninsk - Territory of Innovative Development the representatives of the Ministry of Russian Federation economic development have interested to realization the pilot program on creation biomedical claster in Obninsk within the limits of the joint project. It is necessary to note, that the Ministry of economic development is the basic federal body to which is entrusted with the realization of the claster politicians and coordination of other ministries and departments actions to this direction. And today it is very important Obninsk to not miss the chance. All preconditions Obninsk to begin one of leaders in claster politician.
 Generally speaking, in the Kaluga region two claster models are already realized. One - industrial parks, motor industry. The second - providing innovation territory - a biotechnological complex, educational, nano-technological complexes.
 If to speak about industrial parks, how has sounded at a seminar, the Kaluga experience is a typical example of attempt to create the claster
from a head when the foreign companies are got under a roof. The idea is good - high-quality product comes on territory at once. But this product now does not contact in any way to the local industry, by any components is not connected with it and does not bear behind itself an innovative component. These are simply assembly manufactures which can become the clasters if they will pass all chain from "roof" up to "base". But it is very complex way; it was spoken at the seminar.
 There is other, opposite approach to creation of clasters - "from below". These are the initiatives which have generated from small enterprises which refer to business-park territories, the incubator or the innovative center. They dont have enough resources, and there is an output for them here - "to get" head structure on territory to integrate the ideas and to create on this basis some industry. It just is Obninsk variant, its biotechnological claster model.


The REPORT of MISTER A. SOROKIN, Dr. Tech. Sci., the chief of IPPE department about work of regional Russian fund of basic researches on behalf of regional advisory council of competition the Russian fund of basic researches

    The Russian fund of basic researches - supports and develops basic researches in the field of natural sciences in the Russian Federation. The fund receives new knowledge, scientific results of a world level due to small grant financings of creative collectives and individually scientists.

Regional competition of fund is spent 10-th year. The regional advisory council which chairman is the member of the Russian academy of sciences mister Deryagin, organizes competition. In total for 1999-2007 collectives of scientists of the Kaluga region execute 373 scientific projects. There is about half of participants of projects - doctors and candidates of sciences here. There are mathematics, physics, astronomy, biology, medicine, chemistry, sciences about the Earth, and bases of engineering sciences in the lead directions here.

In competition the numerous essentially new scientific results which have provided a priority of Russia in various areas of natural sciences are received. New materials, new designs which are saving up energy, new technology of an agriculture efficiency increasing, etc. on the basis of the received results are developed. Participation in performance of projects of youth prepares new generation of researchers.

Hi-Tech innovations have led to occurrence of new products, technologies which several years ago we could not imagine.

Mathematical models, methods and calculations of machines, devices and building designs which are introduced in the Kaluga turbine factory are developed. Efficiency of gas turbines at a factory Kaluga engine is raised. Manufacture of the electric power saving up energy on heating boiler-houses of the Kaluga region is developed.

The manufacturing of a porous productive track membrane is developed, the technology is recommended and the operating sample is created. Track membranes are applied in system of epidemiological supervision for the control of liquid environments, and also can be applied to clearing liquids.

Scientists from the State centre of science of the Russian Federation - IPPE (Obninsk) develop the nuclear reactor operation problems, they are engaged in transportation, storage and processing of the irradiated fuel. Rusatom has noted results in the field of the thermo physics, received for 2007 as special achievements.

In the field of agriculture the works are conducted to receive ecologically clear production on polluted areas. The Kaluga scientists from institutes of agricultural radiology and ecology (Obninsk) developed complex sorbent, and on its basis - essentially new connection combining properties of the sorbent and complex fertilizer. Development has received a silver medal and the diploma of 9-th Russian agro industrial exhibition "Mellow autumn" (2007, Moscow). Expected annual economic benefit of application of complex fertilizer-sorbent in territory of the Kaluga region will make more than 150 million rubles that will exceed expenses for this project more, than at 150 times.

Collective of scientists from institute of physiology, biochemistry and a feed of agricultural animals (Borovsk) developed a way of milk fiber increasing, the increasing of milk yield and milk fiber on 15 and 19 % accordingly. It has developed the food additive for broilers as a result of which the case is reduced, the weight of a broiler increases, and quality of meat improves. The general economic benefit in the Kaluga region will make more than 100 million rbl. that exceeds cost of expenses for the project at 388 times. The food additive is applied on broiler factory in the Orenburg region.

Developed in institute of agricultural meteorology (Obninsk) the system of operative monitoring is used for reception agro meteorology information on an actual condition of agricultural crops.

In medicine the scientists from the Medical radiological centre of science (Obninsk) analyzed the results of medical surveys of the population, exposed to chronic influence of small dozes of radiation in the polluted areas of the Kaluga region.

Scientists develop medicines, radio pharmacological preparations for diagnostics and treatments of oncological and not oncological diseases; on the basis of properties of the Kaluga clay the new medicine is developed for elimination of infectious diseases of a gastro enteric path, an alcoholic and narcotic intoxication, laboratory researches are successfully lead. Experts from firm "Medbiopharm" prepare release of this medicine for manufacture. These and other preparations will be used for patients of the Kaluga region.

Since 2006 the fund has declared a new kind of competition - the focused basic researches. Its main task - continuation the basic researches supported by fund before, during work above which researchers have found out key decisions, the innovative technologies, new materials and services.

            The advisory council has studied intermediate results for 2007 in the field of natural sciences (Obninsk, March, 2008) at presence of the region economic development ministry representatives, the region Ministry of Education and culture, the heads of the scientific organizations and the invited scientists. They have stated a positive estimation to the done work and have noted real economic benefit which has been received from innovation development.

Some years the Kaluga region scientists received for the last 11 patents for innovation that confirms a high title of the Kaluga scientists.

The humanities on which regional competitions of fund in 1999-2007 were spent covered the humanitarian and public scientific directions actual for Kaluga region. Kaluga region scientists more than from 60 scientific organizations have executed 285 scientific projects on economy, histories, sociology, pedagogic, psychology, to art criticism and good results from their introduction have reached.

For 1999-2007 it is lead more than 50 charitable actions in children's homes of Kaluga, programs Future Without Orphans, Happy Childhood, and preparation of children-orphans for adoption, the program for reception parents which are successfully applied in the Kaluga region and in other regions is developed.

The majority of projects involved youth in public and scientific activity. Kaluga region movements of schoolboys and students were created. Annually in Obninsk the All-Russia forum of the Small academy of sciences Intelligence of the Future on work with talented youth for a rising of scientific potential of region is held.

It is much made in the field of economy, management of the enterprises, including small, in the organization of work of local self-management. So, innovation strategy development of the Kaluga region enterprises successfully takes root into activity of holding group companies "UK Auto electronics. Together with the Kaluga region ministry of work, employment and social payments the methodical recommendations on social partnership representative work which are successfully realized by administrations Borovsk, Zhukov, Kozelsk, Lyudinovo regions are developed. A number of projects have received positive responses not only in the Kaluga region, but also in other regions of Russia. So, for example, the project materials, devoted to monetary and credit maintenance of people revival in extreme conditions, are requested by city administration of Sevastopol and presented on a nomination "Social recognition". Development Public banks - the financial lever of settlements is used in reports at Kaluga Chamber Trade and Commerce Palate Presidium.

The projects which are carried out on history and art criticism, promote updating of museum expositions such as Kaluga Art Museums, Maloyaroslavets Museum of Domestic War 1812. For 1999-2007 more than 50 new expositions in museums of the Kaluga region has been updated and created. Materials of many projects are of interest in other regions of Russia: they were asked for creation of Aleksin Museum of the Tula region, for Institute of Archeology of the Russian Federation Academy of Sciences, for Russian Genealogic Society (St.-Petersburg, for Family Tree Society (Moscow).

In medicine and ecology new method of definition of water pollution in Obninsk for the first time is lead and tested. Groups of risk on diseases of a thyroid gland are generated, including nurseries, and supervision over them is established. The outside consultations are lead, special training seminars; qualification improvement courses for the workers assisting the population the territory to be radioactive polluted (Zizdra, Ulyanovsk, Kozelsk, Kuybisev, Lyudinovo, Hvastovitsy areas).

Carried out projects in the field of pedagogic, psychologies, sociology are directed on development of new curriculums, rates which successfully take root into educational process of Kaluga region high and secondary schools.

Results of projects were told at the international forums, seminars, conferences, published in the international editions that have to be extremely important for Kaluga region science. The International Center of Nuclear Knowledge in Obninsk under direction of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is created and the first joint International meeting on nuclear knowledge is held in Tokyo.

Carrying out by the Russian state scientific funds and the Kaluga region government the scientific project competitions to be an example how the state, scientists and the public make common cause of the central science role in the construction of that world in which we wish to live.                      (



  11/14/2008 According to the report of Natalie Chernysh, the chief of an economic policy department, economy of city develops intensively enough, as the results of January-September, 2008 testify. Now the population of Obninsk makes 1/10 of Kaluga region population. Thus in various social and economic indices the city borrows greater relative density.
For October, 1st, 2008 the population of city is equal 105 502 persons. More than 5 thousand enterprises are registered in Obninsk. About 2.8 thousand enterprises give tax reports, 2.5 thousand from them conduct financial and economic activity. Number of city employees (in mid-annual calculation) has increased on 400 people and is equal to 51.2 thousand people. Number of officially registered not employees for October, 1st, 2008 has made 162 persons. Thus, a level of officially registered unemployment is equal to 0.28 %. 11.45 thousand people work in scientific sphere at 2008.

Industrial outputs is estimated as about 11.6 billion rubles - an index of physical volume of 115 % (2007 - 9 billion rubles, 112.4 %). They have increased a parameter of the shipped industrial output as 11% from the initial forecast. Today 8 enterprises provide 40% of city industrial output: NBS Ltd. Company, Obninsk Dairy Factory Joint-Stock Company, Signal Device Factory Joint-Stock Company, Huntsman NMG Joint-Stock Company, TechPro Joint-Stock Company, Obninsk Org Synthesis Joint-Stock Company, "Publishing House "The Title Joint-Stock Company, "Heat Supply" City Factory.
In January-September, 2008 the monthly average size of nominal wages of 1 worker as a whole on city is estimated at 15726 rubles (rate of growth of nominal wages up to 131.3%, the real growth to 113.0 %).            


Heat Physics-2008″: Problems and Prospects

    10.20.2008    The Interdepartmental seminar Heat hydraulic safety aspects of the active zones cooled by water and liquid metals (Heat Physics-2008) passed from October, 15th till October, 17th on the basis of IPPE. Its carrying out was especially actual in connection with development now the project of the new Federal target program Nuclear technology of XXI centuries.

A. P. Sorokin as chairman of Program committee, the chief of IPPE department has informed that over 120 scientists and experts from 25 organizations and the enterprises from State Corporation "Rusatom", the Russian academy of sciences, high schools and the high technology business have taken part in the seminar. More than 80 reports by all leading organizations performing works in the field of heat hydraulic of an active zone were presented here. IPPE has presented more than 30 reports.



Obninsk representation of the Moscow firm "Moscow Windows" recommends inhabitants of Obninsk the plastic windows made on the newest technologies. There are windows House-Thermo, House-ThermoMAX, House-Classic, House-Premium, House-Premium new, House-Estet, House-StopSound there. That it is easier to be guided in set of offered variants; the seven basic window systems forming a high-grade ruler of family House are developed. Each system has own plus.

SILVER-GLAZED DOUBLE WINDOWS possess special warmly saving up properties owing to use at their assembly of saving up glass special energy and fillings of space between glasses inert gas ARGON. Energy saving up glass is the transparent polished glass made with application of technology vacuum multilayered covering of silver, the titan oxide and other metals. Unique magnet warmly reflecting layer is inside of a double-glazed window therefore is not subject to deterioration.

House-Thermo system window is the WARMEST one in the class. These are German windows of new generation which not only save up heat, but also preserve a premise against solar radiation. In windows House-Thermo the single-chamber SILVER-GLAZED DOUBLE WINDOW is used. As well as all other window systems of the Moscow windows company it is produced on technology FlexSnake.

Windows House-Thermo pass for 4 percent of more light, for 24 percent it is easier, consist only of hi-tech European materials. Besides, term of operation for windows House-Thermo - 70 (!!!) years. It is the absolute record belonging our company and confirmed by Russian Scientific Research Institute of Building Physics (the report № 1552 from 5/28/2007), is a record not only for Russia.

In Obninsk firm "Moscow windows" is represented by the manager of the project Julia Ivanov (т.48439-5 77 88, e-mail:


Public project discussion of Southern entrance to Obninsk took place in City Administration on October, 17th

Townspeople in the performances marked an urgency of Southern entrance problem, absence there a traffic intersection corresponding modern safety requirements of traffic and intensity of a transport stream.

All 12 offered variants of the project have been considered under technical, economic and ecological characteristics.

As has told O.Ashvarina, the main architect of city, now is named the executor of the project - the center of road and bridge designing "Highway" (Voronezh).

Civil work on Southern entrance should begin in the future year. The project provides a two-level outcome, the bridge through the railway, and highway. The general length of new road will make about 1.1 km. It will have 4 lanes with a dividing zone in 5 meters. Cost of works - more than billion rubles.

Construction of new entrance to city will allow lowering essentially transport loading on street and a highway system of city, and also noise level due to installation of a special filter.

The decision in support of the given project is accepted.           (


On October, 16th on Town-planning Advice the project of Techno Park which is realized in Obninsk according to the State program Creation in the Russian Federation of Techno Parks in Sphere of High Technologies has been considered

As the lecturer under the project S.D.Medov, director of the Operating Company Management of Techno Park "Obninsk" has acted. He has noted that now two platforms located in northern and southern parts of city are fixed to Techno Park.

The first platform is near to Obninsk State Technical University of Atomic Engineering and consists of 2 areas a total amount of 10.3 hectares (6.1 and 4.2 hectares accordingly). Under the offered project the ground area №1 is certain as a socially-business zone, and the ground area №2 - as research-and-production one.

On a site №1 business-incubator construction, hotel for 50 places and 3 levels parking on 300 machines are planned. On long-term the region Government plans the complex of buildings of the federal hi-tech medical center should borrow a part of a site.

The second area of this platform is considered by designers as universal territory for introduction of innovative projects in the field of development of new materials, nano technologies and information technologies, development and start in manufacture of the precision control and measuring equipment. In 2007 contracts about intentions in the field of investment activity with three potential investors - innovative enterprises "Tesey", "Obninsk center powdering" and "Radiating control. Methods and devices" which plan to place the manufactures in created techno park have been concluded.

Technological processes of the given enterprises, the equipment and materials do not demand special clearing constructions, and levels of created pollution and physical influence on atmospheric air do not exceed 0.1 from admissible.

On results of the open competition the state developmental contract of the documentation with firm Protection of the information (Kaluga) has been concluded.

The second platform of Techno Park is located in the south of city on 108 km of the Kiev highway. The area a total amount of 41.2 hectares, borrowed now a wood, has an excellent transport infrastructure and is certain as a scientific and industrial zone.

Here hi-tech, economically effective enterprises of investors by which conditions for interaction with City leading scientific organizations will be created should be placed. The chain for creation of biotechnological and pharmaceutical production will be realized: scientific researches - trial clinical tests - industrial production. Now for accommodation on a platform № 2 20 applications are submitted.

On this platform office and business centre construction including a dining room, the market and a sports hall also is supposed.

As a result of these investment projects 2500 workplaces will be created.

The state contract on creation of the documentation on this platform with firm "Stroymash" (Bryansk) has been concluded.

Members of Advice have approved projects of both lay-out areas and recommended them to consideration at public hearings.            (


Obninsk Administration and Obninsk Fund of Small Business Support spend gathering applications from small firms on participation in the City Target Program Assistance to development of small business in Obninsk for 2007-2009 in following directions:

Item 2.2.3 Granting on a competitive basis of financial support (grants) (the sum of financing - 500 000.00 rubles).

Item 2.2.7 Assistance in the organization of exhibitions and fairs in territory of Russia and abroad (the sum of financing - 600 000.00 rubles).

Item 4.4.4 Granting for development of existing small firms, on the organization and development of consulting items concerning social and personnel development of small firms, development methodological activity of firms (the sum of financing - 250 000.00 rubles).

Item 5.5.4 Organization and carrying out of competition of the journalistic works, devoted to questions of small business (the sum of financing - 30 000.00 rubles).

Item 5.5.5 Organization and carrying out of competition Businessman of year (the sum of financing - 20 000.00).

Item 5.5.7 Organization and carrying out of competitions (the sum of financing - 100 000.00 rubles), on the best:

- The youth innovative project;

- Scientific works of young scientists;

- Professional skill in sphere of trade and services.

Reception of applications is made up to 11/9/2008                                (


On October, 9th Advice exit session at the Governor of the Kaluga region on realization of the priority national project Accessible and comfortable habitation - to citizens of Russia took place in Obninsk

In the beginning members of Advice have visited objects of housing construction. Inhabitants of the oldest Obninsk houses will receive new apartments at the high-altitude house in Komsomol Street under the program of resettlement from shabby habitation. Construction of the house is conducted on new technologies that allow reducing considerably terms of works which termination is planned on the end of this year.

Then Olympic village near Kabitsyno settlement where low-altitude house construction took place now has been visited. 3 kinds of habitation by from 1.2 million roubles up to 3.6 million roubles are under construction in Olympic village this year. According to one of participants of this project, for young families the essential discount is stipulated. Besides, the builders of Olympic village are measured to reduce the cost of new habitation up to 1-1.3 million roubles for a one-room apartment in the 3-storeyed house. In the future year it is planned to construct not less such 800 apartments in Olympic village.

After survey of the constructing objects, the Advice next session on realization of the priority national project Accessible and comfortable habitation - to citizens of Russia under presidency of Governor Anatoly Artamonov took place in the House of Scientists.           (


Belkin Street has been repaired

26.09.2008   The work on Belkin Street was carried out since June till September. For this time the road by the common area of 9,370 square meters has been repaired, 0.345 km of the storm water drain pipes have been stacked, 40 drains have been repaired, the borders are established. The total cost of works has made of 17 millions rubles.   According to the chapter of City Administration, the getting of the new road into operation will allow essentially to optimize transport flows in city.

By the plans of the builders the work on Belkin Street will be continued the next year. Here it is necessary to repair the yard passages, to establish illumination and improve territory.

Except for Belkin Street, this year the builders execute a number of other road works.

In total in 2008 for overhaul of urban motorways was allocated more than 100 mill. rubles, including 20 millions rubles of federal means.                             (


The design works on the pendant bridge through the river Repinka have begun

26.09.2008    Employees   of the Saratov enterprise "Transstroy", and later the experts of the Moscow institute of Transport construction, attentively having surveyed the bridge, have taken the technical conclusion out: the supports were strongly wore out, the cables have rusted, the actual carrying capacity has decreased.

The serious reconstruction requires serious investments. Money to works on the bridge was found not at once, but now they are. The competition on the conclusion of the contract has won the enterprise "Mostovic" from Omsk it has got huge experience in projecting and construction of such serious structures. The project price - about 4 mill. rubles. "Municipal services" is the customer.

However, even before opening envelopes the engineers of "Mostovic" enterprise did not lose time for nothing. They have prepared some sketches approximately to show, as the bridge will look. The sketches impress: modern П-figurative support, illumination. "Mostovic" will offer some projects of the bridge, and they will be handed on consideration to architectural council. We consider, that by New Year the clearness in this question - final project will appear it is necessary to ratify up to the end of December.                   (








Nikolay Shubin, the chapter of Obninsk Administration has handed keys from new buses over the drivers transporting the passengers on urban routes

26.09.2008      Today urban bus enterprise serves 14 urban and 9 suburban routes, on which for 8 months of this year is transported of 10.2 million and in suburbs of 600 thousand passengers. On statistics, 80 % of this flows are the townspeople having the right of preferential travel.   Regularity of bus movement on urban routes makes 97 %, and on suburban - 99,8 %.

Such high parameter achieves due to the plan of buses updating. 19 new buses of MAZ mark were acquired in 2001 within the framework of the program "Obninsk the City of science", in 2007 - 10 Liaz buses, and August 1 of this year - 5 buses of LiAZ-5256 mark by a total cost of 11 millions rubles.

Today the enterprise bus park consists of 80 machines, 8 of which is planned to replace in 2009.

These eight machines - last of requiring in replacement. Thus, the next year the buses of only modern type will work on all routes.                                     (  


Nikolay Shubin, the chapter of Obninsk Administration has handed keys from new buses over the drivers transporting the passengers on urban routes

26.09.2008      Today urban bus enterprise serves 14 urban and 9 suburban routes, on which for 8 months of this year is transported of 10.2 million and in suburbs of 600 thousand passengers. On statistics, 80 % of this flows are the townspeople having the right of preferential travel.   Regularity of bus movement on urban routes makes 97 %, and on suburban - 99,8 %.

Such high parameter achieves due to the plan of buses updating. 19 new buses of MAZ mark were acquired in 2001 within the framework of the program "Obninsk the City of science", in 2007 - 10 Liaz buses, and August 1 of this year - 5 buses of LiAZ-5256 mark by a total cost of 11 millions rubles.

Today the enterprise bus park consists of 80 machines, 8 of which is planned to replace in 2009.

These eight machines - last of requiring in replacement. Thus, the next year the buses of only modern type will work on all routes.                                     (


Meeting devoted to questions of usage by routing taxi services of preferential townspeople categories

  09.04.08   The right on preferential travel in a routing taxi in territory of Obninsk the veterans, participants and invalids of Great War, and also workers of rear use. These people common number equals approximately 3.5 thousand.

In opinion of the majority drivers, the basic reason of disputed situations is served with absence of the uniform sample certificate giving the right on preferential travel in transport.

Having discussed a situation, the participants of meeting have decided to arrange the uniform certificate giving the right on preferential travel in routing taxi, working on the municipal order. Besides in everyone routing taxi the special place for the veterans of Great War will be allocated, near which the appropriate warning will appear.

The representatives practically of all transport companies working by the municipal order participated in meeting: "Virazsh", "Geokon", "ObninskTransAuto", "ThreeA", "Auto network" and others.

More in details at


   09.01.08   September 1 in Obninsk on the basis of State Technical University of Atomic Engineering the solemn opening of medical faculty was held. In a measure have taken part Anatoliy Artamonov, the Governor of Kaluga region, Nikolay Shubin, Chapter of Obninsk Administration, Vladimir Vikulin, Chapter of local self-management and other official persons.

Since this year 52 students will be studied at new faculty on Medical business specialty. Including 10 men on budget places of medical faculty, three from which - on a direction from medical establishment # 8 were enlisted.

The opening of medical faculty means, that in 10 years with health services in city there will be a complete order.



I wish good luck, health, successes, love, the peace and the consent!

The basic achievements of the townspeople in City infrastructure development due to City development program as City of Science for the expired year are:

End of 11-th boiler construction in town firm "Heat supply" (cost 27.8 million rbl.),

End of works on expansion of Dobrin water-fence and construction water pipes (cost 97 million 816 thousand rbl.),

There is spadework on reconstruction of clearing constructions (cost 710 million rbl.),

Construction of faecal collector (cost 1 billion 900 million rbl.) will soon begin.

These expenses concern to an investment component in structure of the tariff on ZKU, they will not lay down on shoulders of the population, will not affect growth of tariffs.



(Dmitriy Titov, "E&L".         Article in the newspaper "Economy and Life" № 27, July 2008)

    07.15.2008.    The Industry of the Kaluga region has shown the highest parameter of industrial manufacture index (141.1 %) for I quarter of 2008. One of largest Russian scientific and research complex - Obninsk city settles down in region. Under the Government decision the honor and responsibility has dropped out to be the first scientific city of the country. Innovation research, development in atomic engineering, space engineering, the telemechanical devices, radio equipment and instrument making create here reliable basis of scientific manufactures development, release of advanced production. 

Volume of the goods, executed works and services for the first 5 months of the current year has made in relation to the similar period of 2007 is equal 240 %. The processing enterprises developed highest rates (250 %). Manufacture of the electric power, gas and water was increased more slowly, but also outstripped the Russian parameters 120.2 %.

Under the initiative of administration the regional law "About state support of investment activity in the Kaluga region" is accepted here. The state support of the investors is carried out in granting by them of tax privileges, investment tax credit, maintenance of regional state guarantees, transfer of the necessary information.   

Regional authorities try to take into account interests of the enterprises realizing the investment projects. The investors can receive the budget credit (in the order and on conditions stipulated by the Budget code of Russia and the regional law on the regional budget).                           (Article in the newspaper "Economy and Life" № 27, July 2008 with reductions)



(Nikolay Eroschuk, firm "Management of special construction on territory № 9", Zeleznogorsk.   Article in the newspaper "Economy and Life" № 27, July 2008)

   14.07.2008. The especially important object "Dry storehouse for fuel from РБМК-1000 and ВВЭР-1000 reactors" is under construction in territory of Zeleznogorsk city, Krasnoyarsk Region since 2004. The importance of construction is caused by high need for a safe storage of the fulfilled nuclear fuel. But the works are stopped - there is no money. The object is built with firm "Management of special construction on territory № 9". 

The works on object were carried out in strict conformity with the authorized diagrams of construction till 2008. However since April 1 of the current year the work on object are suspended in view of RussAtom position, directed both on reconsideration of the contractual attitudes, and on unreasonable decrease of the price. Construction of object during 2004-2006 yy. was made at the RussAtom means expense. The financing of construction on 2008 should be carried out within the framework of the Federal target program "Maintenance of nuclear and radiating safety on 2008 and for the period till 2015" Despite of the allocated limit of a capital investment on 2008, the financing of object till now is not open, the additional agreement is not signed by the customer. The basic reason consists in a disagreement of the parties on cost of the building and installation works. 

The customer does not have means for end of object construction and input it in operation. The customer tries to shift the admitted mistake, and also financial risks on contract organization, reducing the price of production on third for it. All this occurs in a situation of the prices on the basic building materials increase. The rise in prices on material resources since January, 2007 has made: cement - 65 %; metal - 70; a brick - 60; a plate - 20; automobile fuel - 25 %. The absence of RussAtom decision breaks day of start-up of object in operation. 700 workers of the enterprise have appeared free and now already more than 2 months are compelled do not work. 

It is obvious, that the rational and effective infrastructure of the fulfilled nuclear fuel storage is necessary for the further development of atomic engineering of Russia.      (Article in the newspaper "Economy and Life" № 27, July 2008 with reductions)



   07.10.2008   "RussAtom" together with the enterprise Russian machines speak about an opportunity of construction in Obninsk new nuclear station by capacity of 100 MWt. The director of the firm Russian machines has declared in interview, cost of the project will make 1 bill. Dollars. Fast reactor of the fourth generation will be constructed. Its construction is supposed to be finished by 2015. I shall remind, that first in the world an atomic power station in Obninsk was closed in 2002. Thus, as the experts mark, Moscow and Kaluga region test power deficiency, and the new nuclear station will be necessary in region.                           (


  11.06.2008 South Korean business plans to construct in vicinities of Obninsk the Korean confectionery factory "Lotte Confectioneri". The ending of construction is planned for October 2009. A total sum of the investments - 85 millions dollars, area of the building complex (two buildings of factory, warehouses, office, center of power maintenance, center of waste processing) - 72 528 sq. meters. Number of the workers - 500.

In ceremony of the first stone bookmark participated: Mr. Li Gu Her, Ambassador of South Korean Republic in Russia, Mr. Shin Don Bin "Lotte Group" Vice-president, Yuri Volkov, Vice-President of Russian State Duma, Vladimir Vikulin, Chapter of Local Self-management of Obninsk, Nikolay Shubin, Chapter of The Executive Authority of Obninsk and others.            ("Obninsk" №75 (2977) from 17.06.2008)


First Russian Conference of Metal Builders

Firm "EuroAngar" Ltd.

127, Lenin St., Obninsk, Russia

phone/fax +7 48439 767 02

August 1, 2008,

9:00 - 17:00 hour.

Central Institute of Professional Skill Improvement, second floor, main conference hall

The organizer: Firm "EuroAngar"

   At August 1, 2008 the company "EuroAngar" Ltd. will spend  First Russian Conference of Metal Builders.

The purpose of the conference: To designate problems and prospects of the branch market, to discuss questions of designing, manufacture both installation of buildings and structures with Light Metal Construction (LMC). The conference is called to break stereotypes rather LMC and to put in pawn the base of new construction opportunities. The conference becomes a place, where there are customers and manufacturers, business - partners. The chiefs and experts of design, building, assembly organizations, representatives of factories of the metal construction manufacturers will take part in work of the conference.

The information sponsor of the conference: magazine "Metal Building" - the information and advertising edition about metal building designs and products.

Themes of the reports:

Technical Regulation of Construction.

Novelties LMC.

The LMC's "Know-How".

LMC's Problems and Prospects.

LMC Installation.

The participation in the Conference costs 4,500 rub.

  06.18.2008   The company "EuroAngar" offers the services in the field of Light Metal Construstion (LMC) designing, building of any complexity with LMC.

Today light metal designs are one of the most optimum directions for construction of buildings of a universal purpose. LMC has a number of advantages, which make by their most acceptable and convenient for the builders and assemblers in comparison with alternative directions. Using of LMC increases efficiency of construction in 3-4 times, not only on financial, but also on temporary parameters.

The opportunity of fast installation and transportability is reduced with the charges and allow to make numerous transportations and installation. Thus, the set forth above advantages are combined with an opportunity of LMC buildings in various climatic conditions.

Conducting direction of the company activity is the designing. However, at the customer desire, we shall give a complete spectrum of services connected with LMC building: development of the project, LMC manufacturing and installation.            (


The construction of the electronic equipment factory "Kraftway" is completed. N. Shubin, the Chapter of Obninsk Administration, A Kravtsov, "Kraftway" General Director, I. Kaledin, "Kraftway" Factory Director have taken part in opening the factory

  06.07.2008    The year back Kraftway company, the largest Russian manufacturer of computers and server equipment, has announced about first-order commissioning of an industrial complex in Obninsk of the Kaluga region. The enterprise occupies the area of 22 thousand sq.m. the enterprise is one of the leaders in industrial manufacture of Hi-Tech production. The Kraftways investments in creation of the enterprise have made 20 mill. dollars.

On a holiday of the factory anniversary, the first results of work were moved and the directions of the further development are designated.  

The cost of the industrial equipment is equal more than 4 mill. dollars. Flexlink company according to the special Kraftways order created it.

For Obninsk the innovation way of development, opening and the further development of  Kraftway factory are is very important, - Igor Kaledin, the director of the factory has noted. - It is connected to quality of let out production and high technologies used in development and manufacture of precision and multifunctional engineering. The enterprise production is characterized by a high degree of automation and use of innovative technologies. The production control is carried out with the help of automatic devices. Developed by Kraftways engineers the technology of production is under construction on a combination of principles of flexibility, maintenance of the maximal throughput, reduction of influence of the human factor, personal responsibility of the workers and rigid quality surveillance of production.  

For one year at the factory 386 workplaces with good wages were created. Thus, Kraftway has brought and continues to bring in the contribution to the decision of important social tasks, facing to region, including - maintenance of employment of the population. Kraftway not only has constructed the new industrial enterprise, but also cooperates with City high school  Obninsk State Technical University Of Nuclear Energy.                               (


The representatives of Russian legislative and executive authority have met in Moscow the chiefs of Obninsk "Hemo Pharm" firm

   06.05.2008    Within the framework of a round table The Stimulation and Development Prospects in Russia of Foreign Pharmaceutical Manufactures was held discussion of urgent questions on examples of the Hemo Pharm company (Obninsk).

The representatives of the Russian government, State Duma on protection of health, the representatives of Hemo Pharm and other pharmaceutical companies have taken part in the work of a round table.                                      

The participants of a round table   have discussed a complex   of urgent questions concerning high-grade functioning of foreign pharmaceutical manufactures, constructed on territory of Russian Federation, and also reduction of administrative barriers and increase of State regulation efficiency.  

We express readiness and further actively to participate in the decision of major questions of the Russian pharmaceutical branch, Milomir Miyatovich, Hemo Pharm general director (Obninsk) has commented meeting.                                         (


The Construction of Railway Pavilions With Turnstiles Will Begin In Obninsk

  06.04.2008  Two modern large pavilions with premises for the personnel and booking cash departments will be constructed in Obninsk. One - for service of the passengers directed to Moscow, another one - for the passengers going to Kaluga and Bryansk. In pavilions will be spacious TURNSTILES and cash halls the area of 243 and 130 square meters. The customer of construction - Branch of Moscow Road Firm "RRR". The construction this year will be finished.                                                              (Is more detailed in the newspaper "Obninsk" # 69 (2971) from 03.06.08)


About Construction of Gas Turbine Station in Obninsk

  06.04.2008  As a result of competition at the choice of the contractor on the construction of gas turbine station in Obninsk, firm "Majorant Energy" from St.-Petersburg was determined as the winner by a competitive commission.

The power of station will make 20.8 MWatt of electrical energy and 28 BCal/hours of thermal energy. The means for financing construction received as a result of additional accommodation of "Kaluga marketing company" shares, extra means, and also own profit of the company will be used. The construction is planned in an industrial zone of Obninsk near to substation "District". The introduction of station in build already in IV quarter of 2009 is planned.                                                              (Is more detailed in the newspaper "Obninsk" # 69 (2971) from 03.06.08)


About Public Hearings On The Performance Of The Budget For 2007

  05.23.2008  A. Stepanov, The Head of Economy and Innovation Department and L. Konovalova, The Chief of Obninsk Administration Finance Department have acted with the reports on performance of the budget of 2007. As against the previous years the budget of 2007 is executed with exceeding more than 190 millions rubles. The positive tendencies of 2007: growth of the own income volume of city and decrease of dependence from the higher budgets, substantial growth of capital expense financing, successful continuation of activity as cities of a science, complete repayment of the budget credits and refusal of their further using. During performance of the budget of 2007 the economy in 21.7 million rubles was achieved at the expense of reorganization of educational establishments network.                                                                 (Is more detailed in the newspaper "Obninsk" # 69 (2971) from 03.06.08)


About Pressing of Thermal Networks

05.25.2008  47 impulses from 132, fixed at the result of pressing are eliminated.                              (Is more detailed in the newspaper "Obninsk" # 69 (2971) from 03.06.08)


The winners and participants of VIII Moscow international innovations and investments saloon, competition High Technologies in Realization of The Priority National Projects, and also regional competition on best youth innovation project

05.16.2008   VIII Moscow international innovations and investments Saloon has passed at March of this year. The purposes of Saloon were assistance to development of innovation activity.

The exposition of the Kaluga region was submitted by 17 organizations (was placed on 70 sq. м), which actively carried work out with the potential partners.

The awards mark our region.

1.     Branch of Scientific Physical Chemistry Institute by Karpov

- Gold medal for development of the project Long Living Composite Materials;

- Silver medal for development Heat Setting Tape With A Coating;

- Diploma for development Forming A Fibro Much Molecular Polymers

- Diploma For Active Participation In VIII Moscow International Innovation Saloon.

2.     Firm Obninsk Powder Coating Center

- Silver medal for development Technology and Device for Coating

- Diploma For Active Participation In VIII Moscow International Innovation Saloon.

3.     Firm Experimental Research and Methodical Center Simulating Systems Please download Java(tm).

- Silver medal for development Reactor Installation for Neutron Therapy Mars,

- Diploma for development Independent Reactor Installation of Low Power Master

- Diploma For Active Participation In VIII Moscow International Innovation Saloon.

4.     Russian Agricultural Radiology Research Institute of the Russian academy of agricultural sciences

- 2 silver medals for development Device for Biological Clearing of Economic Waste Water and Installation for Processing Agricultures

- Diploma For Active Participation In VIII Moscow International Innovation Saloon.

5.     Scientific industrial firm MedBioPharm

- 2 bronze medals for development Creation of The Highly Effective Specialized Help at Medicine and development Blood Replica on The Basis of The Bull Blood;

- Diploma For Active Participation In VIII Moscow International Innovation Saloon.

6.     Firm Obninsk Thermo Electrical Company

- Bronze medal for system engineering of super early detection and subsequent control of gases in air (an electronic nose)

- Diploma For Active Participation In VIII Moscow International Innovation Saloon.

7.     Research-and-production Firm Cytoplast

- Bronze medal for development Irrigate Block

- Diploma for development Furniture Panel

- Diploma For Active Participation In VIII Moscow International Innovation Saloon.

8.     Firm Converse Filter

- Diploma for development Filter for Clearing Food Liquids

- Diploma For Active Participation In VIII Moscow International Innovation Saloon.

With the diplomas For Active Participation In VIII Moscow International Innovation Saloon:


        Obninsk Administration;

        Obninsk Techno Park Management;

        Firm Bio Flavon;

        State Technical University of Atomic Engineering;

        Firm Raster-technology;

The annual International forum High Technologies of XXI Century in ninth times has passed in Moscow in the Central "Expo Center" in April of this year.

The basic tasks of a forum were the further development of the innovations making economy of our country, and introduction of high technologies to scientific production.

With medals and diplomas of a forum are awarded:

1.     Branch of Scientific Physical Chemistry Institute by Karpov (for development of the technecian-99m generator for diagnostics of heavy internal diseases of the man - under the priority national project in sphere of public health services)

2.     Firm Experimental Research and Methodical Center Simulating Systems (for development reactor installation   for neutron therapy of diseases Mars and independent reactor installation of low power Master - under the national project Health)

With the diplomas of a forum also are awarded:

        Obninsk factory of the food equipment "Raston"

        Firm Express - Eco

        Firm Med Bio Pharm

        Firm "Econ"


Obninsk Administration congratulates all winners and participants and wishes the further achievement in innovation activity.


Nikolay Shubin, the chapter of Obninsk Administration has ratified a layout of Obninsk public city center Zone I.

05.15.2008   The decision on the basis of the public hearings protocol, conclusion   of a Commission on town-planning and ground questions is issued under Obninsk public city center Zone I project.

The documentation on a layout of Obninsk public city center Zone I (project and territory) is authorized by the decision.

Architecture and town-planning Management of Obninsk Administration.        (


The conclusion of a Commission on town-planning and ground questions on results of public hearings under Obninsk public city center Zone I territory layout project.

04.25.2008    The layout of Zone I territory is developed   on the basis of Obninsk Administration Decision from 04.04.2007 № 365-п, and Obninsk General plan.

The public information about realization of public hearings under the Obninsk public city center Zone I territory layout project was published in the newspaper Obninsk Bulletin №21 (248) from March 22, 2008.

The session of public hearings under the Obninsk public city center Zone I territory layout project is carried out 04.10.2008.

Having considered results of public hearings, the Commission on town-planning and ground questions has decided:

To direct the protocol of public hearings and project of the decision is directed on consideration to the chapter of Obninsk Administration.

Commission on town-planning and ground questions             (


Obninsk Administration has ratified a Rule about the grants from the city budget on overhaul of houses common property.

05.13. 2008     The period of Rule action from 2008 to 2011.

The decision acts from the moment of its official publication.  


About the order of granting to managing organizations, persons rendering services in repair of the grants from the budget on overhaul of common property on 2008-2011 y.y.

 1. General provisions

1.1. The grants from the budget are given on overhaul of common property for elimination of physical deterioration or destruction, maintenance and restoration in case of infringement (danger of infringement) extreme allowable characteristics of reliability and safety.

1.2. The Obninsk Administration gives means from the budget on the overhaul together with federal means and means of the proprietors.

2. Order of granting of the grants

2.1. The following documents should be submitted to Administration for reception of the grants on overhaul:

      the decision of proprietors general meeting on the overhaul of common property;

      the list of objects on the overhaul.

      the defective sheets;

      local - budget accounts;

      the time schedule of works.

Municipal economy Management of Obninsk Administration                      (


The opening of a monument to victims of radiating accidents was held in Obninsk at April 26 in territory of a memorial complex Eternal Fire

   04.28.2008    In people performances V. Vikulin, chairman of urban assembly, Т. Popova, assistant of Administration chapter on social questions, and others this event was one of most significant in Obninsk history.

Chernobyl accident has mentioned of many townspeople destiny  - more two thousand Obninsk experts participated in liquidation of its consequences. Many from them already are not alive. The relatives, friends, liquidators and victims of radiating accidents, city dwellers wanted to construct a monument, near to which they could give respect to these people. Now in Obninsk the symbol of perpetuating of their feat has appeared. The monument, which has successfully settled down in territory of a memorial Eternal Fire, becomes a place for meetings the liquidators of radiating accidents consequences.

The given project was made due to participation of City Administration, N. Shubin, its chapter, which personally supervised the decision of a question, and sponsor - company PEAK - region. In installation of a monument the firm Empeks - consulting was engaged.



(Zones I and II)  

   04.10.2008  In Obninsk City Administration the discussion about zone II project, public and business Obninsk center was held. The architect Tatiana Misureva has told about the project in details.

The zone II public and business City center borders on 51 micro area. From three parties this site is surrounded with the basic urban highways: Lenin, Marx prospectuses and Gagarin Street.

The project was publicly discussed and insignificant changes were made.

The basic purpose of the project - Marx prospectus to be finished as public and business City center zone. Agrees of the plan foot pass on Marx prospectus will unit the zones I and II. In the project three basic zones are allocated: inhabited, public and business, entertaining.

The inhabited zone is submitted by two multi-floor apartment houses with variable amount of floors. In each of them on the first and second floors the trade enterprises and offices will be located. Besides in an inhabited zone is planned to construct five dot high-altitude houses.

The public and business zone will be located along Lenin prospectus. Hotel and office center with a parking on 250 machines, and also building of Russian Sberbank will be constructed here. The cafe "Lagoon" will grow up to three floors.

The transport circuit is developed separately: basic transport flows, parking. Two basic entrances to micro area are located on Gagarin Street and Marx prospectus.

After the architect performance the City public representatives set questions. The basic questions have concerned the arrangements of Sberbank building and the accomplishments of wood site on Lenin and Marx prospectuses crossing, organization of foot passes inside micro area. The made offers were brought in the protocol.


   The Obninsk pool is reconstructed. After the end of all works the pool will correspond to all Russian Federation of navigation requirements and international standards. The automatic system of water filtration will be established in pool during repair work. Thus water will be saved at the expense of the closed clearing cycle, the rigid control of concentration of disinfectants will be supplied, and all this will be carried out by electronics.

The electronic system will keep accuracy of sports results up. Such system is used on championships of Europe and world.

Now builders have leveled pool cup and have begun its waterproofing.


The written reference of the urban Assembly deputies to Nikolay Shubin, the chapter of Obninsk City Administration

"To Nikolay Shubin, the Chapter of Obninsk City Administration

( Copy: on public hearings under the project of zone I Obninsk public center territory layout;

In the newspaper of "Obninsk" №45 (2947) from 04.10.2008)


Dear Mr. Shubin, we inform to you that many Obninsk City dwellers protest against cutting down of a wood in a zone I of a public business center (site of a wood between Lenin Street and 51-a micro area). The inhabitants do not want recurrence of the events, which have happened in 38 micro area.

We ask you to accept necessary measures and to not allow change of the concept, accepted on Town-planning Council, on construction of Obninsk central part. The given territory should be kept and, in our opinion and in opinion of our voters, is transformed into a zone of rest for the townspeople".

22 signatures of the urban Assembly deputies are assembled


The report at meeting of Council on realization of the national project "Accessible And Comfortable Habitation To Citizens of Russia" at the region governor

   04.08.2008  According to the plan of habitation commissioning in city Obninsk within the framework of the priority national project The Accessible And Comfortable Habitation To Citizens Of Russia at 2007 year 76 585.2 sq. m of habitation (including: 11 multiroom apartment houses on 1 049 apartments and 39 individual cottages, general area 68 691.9 sq. m, and also 32 individual apartment houses, general area 7 893.3 sq. m) is entered into operation. The building of habitation has made more than 0.7 sq.m. per one Obninsk city dweller at 2007.

Was marked, that apartment houses, handed over in operation, are constructed as Hi-Tech projects, in which basis Hi-Tech engineering and constructive decisions, the modern building and finishing materials are applied. The houses are equipped with all necessary engineering equipment on the bases of took care of power supplying technologies.

The general analysis of the habitation building at city Obninsk from 2005 to 2007 shows essential growth of the construction rates: if at 2006 31 177 thousand sq.m. of habitation, at 2007 already 76 585,2 thousand sq.m was handed over.

At 2009 the building of northern part 38th microarea till Kaluga Street will be completed. 55th microareas also will build.      (Press-service of City Administration)


   04.04.2008   69 young Obninsk families can improve housing conditions at the expense of budget means at present year. The grants they will receive within the framework of realization of the federal target program Maintenance By Habitation Of Young Families. The list of the project participants at next year also is made. 44 families will receive the grants for habitation purchase at 2009. Almost 67 millions rubles will be spent for maintenance by the housing certificates on the appropriate federal program.         (Nika TV)


The municipal enterprise "Heat Supply" commissions the boiler # 11. It will allow to increase power of boiler-plant by 20 %.

03.28.2008. The new boiler represents the working unit by power of 100 billion calories per hour. Now experts finish installation works and adjust the equipment. The management of the new boiler is carried out from the separate control panel. The start-up of the new unit will reduce heat deficiency, existing in city.

Within the preparatory works the gas equipment, the automatic systems of protection and regulation of burning, mechanical and electrical system of the equipment are tested.

After the end of preparatory work stage, which will borrow two - three weeks the special commission will give an experts' report permitting commissioning of the boiler № 11.


Nikolay Shubin, The chapter of Obninsk Administration has acted with the report at the First All-Russia Conference Complex Safety in Using of Innovation Info-Communication Technologies, which has passed in Moscow At Small Hall of State Duma

  02.27.2008   Now Russian economy transition on innovation way is a unique opportunity the country to overcome so-called "liberal" economy period, but also to have made qualitative jerk in the development, to become successful and competitive in the world.  

Acting on conferences, Nikolay Shubin, the Chapter of Obninsk Administration has told, that now Obninsk represents the versatile scientific - educational center, where the innovations effectively pass in practice for short enough terms.

The City of science status assumes high innovation activity of the city dwellers, first of all, in sphere of technical innovations.

For today Obninsk has essentially advanced on the way of the innovation production in comparison with several years earlier.

Taking into account historical specificity of Obninsk, scientific - technological and personnel potential of the urban enterprises and organizations limited territorial resources, the economy of city could and should develop, basing on generation and commercial use of knowledge, that is to become the innovations in complete sense of this word. And for this purpose it was necessary to build high-grade and effective innovation system of city that is to create its missing elements, to adjust working elements under modern tasks, and to create tools of their flexible and reliable interaction.

Mr. Shubin also has noted, that today in Obninsk the accent on the development of such innovation model of economy is made, when the conditions for realization the innovation projects and enterprises are created and supported. In particular he has resulted as an example Obninsk business - incubator, where the effective transference mechanism of technologies and development in sphere of small business and manufactures is carried out. Therefore creation of complete system on support of innovation business in city is one of the main tasks, which is solved within the framework of the City Development Program.  

Also within the framework of a conference the report of Mihail Kuznetsoff, the Director of Russian Cities of Science Union in turn has noted, that already now there is a process   of restoration of the strategic relation to the Cities of science, that unequivocally will cause repeated increase of innovation activity in the country.

As all conditions for this purpose in Russia are: advanced scientific - technological infrastructure, both highly skilled staff, and plenty of scientific and technical development having way to commerce. And these conditions are to the full submitted in Obninsk - First City of Science in Russian Federation.      (


  In the VIII -th Moscow International Saloon of Innovation the Obninsk and Kaluga enterprises have taken part.

   03.06.2008   The firms have presented a wide spectrum of scientific and technical development and ready production. Andrey Fursenko, the Minister of Education and Science of Russian Federation and Sergey Mazurenko, the Chief of Federal agency on innovation and science have visited the Kaluga exposition. The line of question discussion of development regional innovation system was held.

The International Innovation Saloon will be carried out for development of innovation activity, technical arms of the Russian market, and also perfection patent and licencing.     (


Obninsk has received water from a new water chink


   02.23.2008     The new pump station will give daily to City up to 12000 cubic metre of water.



"About social and economic development of Obninsk in 2007 (preliminary results). The plans for 2008." by Nikolay Shubin, the chapters of Obninsk City Administration

   Work of urban Administration at 2007 was determined by tasks of the national projects "Health", "Education", " Accessible and comfortable habitation - to citizens of Russia ". Except for the national projects the Administration of city has made the complex program of social and economic development of Obninsk as Science City of Russian Federation for 2007-2011 years and target programs on separate directions.

At 2007 the urban budget by profitable and account parts is executed and over done. The parameters of a science and industry development have grown. The incomes of our inhabitants have grown, the habitation building is considerably increased, and the changes in social sphere became more appreciable.


The development of City economy has considerably increased the incomes of the budget - up to 1 bill. 791 mill. rubles, it on 56% is more than a level of 2006. From them: 60% - own incomes, 40% - gratuitous transfers.

The charges of the budget have increased on 36 % and have reached 1 bill. 600 mill. rubles. 57 % from them is directed on social sphere, 26 % - on housing and municipal services.

The capital charges have grown from 311 mill. rubles up to 555 mill. rubles, and their share in the budget of city have increased from 26% up to 35%.

The last year, the legislation of Russian Federation stipulated significant changes in preparation and drawing up of the budgets of various levels. For the first time urban budget was made for the three-years period. Its acceptance was preceded with the large work: the rule about budget process is developed and accepted; the public hearings are carried out; the discussion and coordination of the budget in Obninsk urban Assembly is spent.

At 2008 we have decided the incomes of the budget make up to 1 bill. 899 mill. rubles, and charges - up to 2 bill. 121 mill.  rubles.

The investment charges will make about 36% at 2008.


Steady development of economy has been supplied of 5 thousand enterprises and organizations, 88% of which are completely in a private property. It has allowed reaching the following results.

If the proceeds of the enterprises and organizations for 2007 have made 44 mill. rubles (124% to a level of 2006), at 2008 it will reach 52.4 bill. rubles (+19% to an estimation of 2007), forecast for 2009 62.0 bill. rubles (+18% to the forecast of 2008). It is very important, that the small business prevails now in economy, it makes 59% at common urban volume of the proceeds.

City Administration also will support further small business within the framework of the urban programs.

The share of processing manufactures in the urban income is estimated at a level 30.9% (with growth by 2006 on 24.7%). Volume of the executed scientific and technical and industrial works by institutes of city at 2007 has increased on 15.4 % to a level of 2006 and is estimated in 3.6 bill. rubles. Scientific researches and the development make 9.2% from the urban income (growth on 114.1%). Volume of scientific and technical and industrial works at 2008 in institutes of city is planned at a rate of 4.0 bill. rubles.

The enterprises have learned to work without the losses.

The total size of the balance profit at 2007 is estimated as 3 bill. 257 mill. rubles (with growth of 72-73% to a level of 2006). The basic profit in city is given with the industrial enterprises: their share more than 65%.

The amount of employees at the enterprises and organizations of city has increased on 800 men, having made at 2007 51.0 thousand men.


Industrial manufacture has grown on 23%, having made in the actual prices 8.6 bill.roubles. At 2008 we put a task to pass 10 bill. boundary (10.5 bill. roubles with growth on 22.7%).

We speak words of gratitude to our businessmen, is especial to the industrialists. At 2007 the industrial enterprises have given 1/3 tax payments, their densities in the urban proceeds is equaled 31%, under the profit - more than 65%.

The competitiveness was provided with the investments in modernization and purchase of the equipment, construction of buildings and structures.


At 2007 the townspeople has noticed, that Obninsk is pleasant to the investors. The investments in the actual prices have made 4.2 bill. rubles against 3.1 bill. rubles at 2006 (increase at 21% in a comparable estimation). For 2008 the investment are planned at a rate of 4.9 bill. rubles.


The growth of economy is accompanied by increase of the incomes of the population, and, first of all, wages. At 2007 it was equaled on the average to 12098 rubles - third place among areas and urban districts of area (Borovsk area - 15041 rubles, Maloyaroslavets area - 12570 rubles,. Kaluga - 11635 rubles).

At the large and average enterprises the wages have made 14258 rubles, at the small enterprises - 9400 rubles.

For fastening the staff in budget sphere, together with Obninsk City Assembly the measures on increase of wages to the workers of municipal educational establishments were accepted. In result the average wages of the workers of municipal establishments of education have made 14395 rubles, teachers - 11804 rubles, workers of preschool establishments - 8069 rubles.

Now, from the urban budget the wages of the workers of culture and sports, social workers, workers of comprehensive schools and preschool establishments are financed. The charge has made of City budget 422.2 mill. rubles (26.4% from an account part of the budget) against 336 mill. rubles at 2006.


The development of the consumer market confirms growth of the incomes of the inhabitants.

      volume of sales through a retail trade network 10.7 bill. roubles (rate of growth 129%),

      a revolution of public catering - 393 mill. roubles,

      volume of paid services to the population 2.1 bill. roubles.

Especially it would be desirable to note, that the interdiction by realization of hazardous games on territory of the Kaluga area has not reduced the taxes. All game automatic devices according to the Law of the Kaluga area from 30.03.2007 № 295-ОЗ have stopped activity. Conditions in city became better. The drugstores, cafe, shops have opened in the premises, which became free now. But most important, the townspeople has believed, as regional, and the local authority is beside.

The townspeople, especially those who has no the high incomes, receive different support in the form of the charitable actions - hairdresser's services, grantings of food sets, coupons on a meal. A number of shops and drugstores of city is given with the discounts on products of a meal and medicinal means.

At the same time, at the most part working for the last year volume of the contributions in banks considerably has grown. They have increased on 1.6 bill. roubles, the average size of the contribution on one inhabitant has made almost 60 thousand roubles. The amount of automobiles has increased on 3250 units. Now at us is registered almost 32 thousand motor vehicles.


Due to a high buying power the housing construction develops.

The special attention of the Governor of area promoted its development. Only in Obninsk 4 sessions of Advice on realization of the priority national project "Accessible and comfortable habitation to citizens of Russia" were spent.

The planned construction depends on expansion and reconstruction of City engineering structure. On support of science cities at 2007 design and the civil work were financed on the following objects of engineering structure:

        Dobrins water pipes,

        design works on clearing structures,

        repair of roads.

The new structure of management inside City administration was created for increase of efficiency  of budget means using.

Within the framework of the law №94-ФЗ the city chooses all contractors on performance of repair work both delivery of the goods and services on a competitive basis.

Therefore economy of budget means by results of the made tenders has increased: 28.5 mill. roubles against 22.3 mill. roubles at 2006.

Similarly the mechanism of  ground sites using was built for the construction of habitation within the framework of the project "Accessible and comfortable habitation to citizens of Russia": microarea 38, microarea 55, inhabited formation "Zaovrazie", building areas in Belkino and Kabisino countries.

At 2007 the decision of Obninsk City Assembly authorizes №01-40 from 03.12.2007 Rules of land tenure and building in territory of Obninsk is accepted. The development of the public city centre project  (zone I and zone II), stipulated to building till 2010 is finished.


At 2007 due to work with the investors in the city is constructed 68.7 thousand sq. м of habitation, that there is more in 2 times then the level of 2006, the plans for 2008 - 94 thousand sq. m.

Within the framework of realization of the national project "Accessible and comfortable habitation to citizens of Russia" the Administration accepts all possible measures for maintenance by habitation.

There are 2735 men on the account in City Administration. This number for 2007 has decreased on 130 men, thus 109 families have improved the housing conditions. The special attention is given to the federal target program "Dwelling" and appropriate subroutines:

1.   Subroutine "Maintenance of young families" within the framework of the federal target program "Dwelling" for 2002-2010 years. The realization is begun in 2007.

2.     Subroutine "Performance of the state obligations on maintenance of the citizens established by the federal legislation" within the framework of the same federal program.

The last year the target program "Habitation on credit for 2007-2016 years" was developed and authorized by Obninsk urban Assembly. This program provides indemnification of the paid percents under the credits taken on purchase of habitation to the workers of separate budget establishments of city. Planned volume of financing will make 88.1 mill. rubles, including 2 mill. rubles in 2008.

The municipal program "Habitation on credit for 2007-2016 years" carries social character and is developed for the decision of housing problem of the workers of organizations financed from the local budget, carrying out the important social order and testing sharp deficiency in the staff.

With the purposes of realization of the national project "Accessible and comfortable habitation to citizens of Russia" and according to the Decision of the Governor of the Kaluga area from 29.11.2005 years "About activization measures of individual housing construction", in territory of municipal formation "Obninsk City" City Administration has allocated the ground area 4.3 hec. for construction of volumetric - modular buildings factory by productivity 100 000 sq. м of habitation per one year (420 sq. м in change). Cost of the project will make 20 mill. EUR. The factory input into the deal is planned at 2008. The assembly of such houses of habitation will cost almost in 2 times lower.

At the end of the last year City Administration carried out sociological research of inhabitant opinion on various aspects of the city life. One of problems not satisfying townspeople - level and quality of given municipal services.


Still, the condition of the city living-municipal services remains urgent. The city engineering structure needs almost complete updating.

City, as the investor, at 2008 plans to direct 689 mill. rubles (against 555 mill. rubles at 2007) on a capital investment from the urban budget.

At 2007 4.62 kms of thermal networks, 1 km of water networks was replaced, from the urban budget was directed 49.5 mill. rubles (at 2006 39.8 mill. rubles) on housing fund overhaul, the works on a water pipe are completed. The works on processing dust are conducted.

The city dwellers are satisfied with result of urban roads repair, on which was directed 100 mill. 412 thousand rubles. At 2006-2007 years 40% of all urban roads is repaired. At 2008 we plan to repair 175 thousand sq. м of roads.


Repairs of the main and internal water drain will be carried out.

The repairs of fountains located on Leipunski and Victories streets are made (the repairs of pumps, electric equipment, waterproofing of baths and external furnish).

The tasks of safety in city are solved:

     increase of road movement safety

     decrease of street criminality

        increase of residing comfort, improvement of transport highways illumination, sidewalks, courtyards and parks.

511 lanterns (2006 - 380 lanterns) are established, that has allowed to solve a problem of light exposure for the majority of Citys central part objects.

At 2008 a level of light exposure up to 80% in comparison with 74% at 2007 is planned to finish.

The system work on City gardening and decorative registration is organized.

The effective and steady work of City municipal services on the autumn-winter period is basic task for housing and municipal services. Total amount of expenses on preparation for a heating season 2007 2008 y. y. has been made as 87 mill. 965 thousand rubles (at 2006 74 mill. 800 thousand rubles) also will be increased this year.


Now, to affect quality of services, rendered to the population, it is necessary to attract the private companies, to create good competitive environment in sphere housing and municipal services. We have already made much. On  accomplishment at 2007 from the budget of city is directed 409 mill. 374 thousand rubles.

But not all questions can be solved at a local level, in particular, the management of municipal tariff growth.

At 2007 the tariffs of monopolies have grown on 19% for gas, for electric power - on 16.6%. At the same time, the municipal services in view of gas and electric power for City population have increased only on 12.5% at 2007.

We have not reached the necessary level in the reforms. The federal legislation orders to the habitation proprietors actively to operate property, belonging to them.

Today each house independently should determine for itself the managing company. Though 56 seminars on reforms are already spent, and 27 clauses are published in mass media, and Methodical recommendations for creation of companies are prepared, and the advices of citizens is spent constantly, and the assemblies with the tenants of separate houses is spent, but, apparently, City Administration is still insufficiently persevering in the work.

The housing and municipal complex has prepared normative and legal base for realization of competition at the choice of the managing companies.

Nevertheless, at 2008 amount of works in housing and municipal sphere and on an accomplishment of city will be increased. The active work on attraction of federal and regional means in housing and municipal sphere is conducted.


The rules of transportations by public transport were prepared, that has affected to a level of the tariff on transportation, on safety of transportations, the privileges granting for veterans of war.

Problem with private routing taxi at last beginnings to be solved. Is planned to continue work on organization of competitions on the right of transportations on new routes, to increase park of buses (at 2007 10 new buses) were acquired. At the same time it is necessary to keep social privileges to the pensioners and other categories of population.


In the whole social support, quality of life for population, culture remains major tasks in work of Administration.

Therefore, when there was a question on  IPPEs Palace of culture the destiny, our reaction was idle time: to keep it, as City cultural center. Now it is handed on City balance, and in the budget for 2008 is planned 9 mill. rubles on its contents.

We respect our history.

At 2007 Obninsk Museum of a history has continued work above creation of an exposition "History of A Science", which will be open at I quarter, 2008.

The people working in this sphere are not forgotten also: in 2008 the wages will be increased.

In total by the beginning of 2008 28715 men concerning preferential categories are registered.

On results of 2007 on social payments and the maintenance of preferential categories of the townspeople was directed 419.6 mill. rubles from all levels of the budgets: on payment of living-municipal services 122.7 mill. rubles, free-of-charge medicines 123.0 mill. rubles, preferential travel in public transport 41.8 mill. rubles, rendering of services and payment of the grants 132.1 mill. rubles.


The basic functions on maintenance of City population health lay on establishment of a federal level.

Volume of means directed on public health services from the urban budget, has made 139.6 mill. rubles.

For 2008 at the expense of the local budget the plan of medical establishments financing will make 51.7 mill. rubles.

The increase of financing will go on increase of wages of the medical personnel, which will make from 35% up to 100% increasing.

While, the amount of the required doctors is equal 80%.

Stimulation of work by increase of wages (average wages of the doctor at 2007 - 14057 rubles), and regular free-of-charge retraining of the medical staff do not guarantee qualitative medical services how it is wanted by our inhabitants. Much here depends on the decisions of federal authority.

Now about local authority deals.

To improve businesses in the field of medicine, the medical buildings and structures are handed to the municipal property. At 2007 one of sharpest city problems is solved. The maternity house has been repaired and from February, 18 it will begin to work. For the period since 2005 in this object was enclosed more than 120 mill. rubles that has allowed modern equipment to establish in a buildings.

At 2007 1507 inhabitants have been supplied with medicines at preferential cost for the sum 22.3 mill. rubles. At 2008 this sum will be increased up to 10%.

Healthy life, preventive maintenance health, high-grade rehabilitation is the main directions of City medicine. Realization of the program "Men's Health at 2008-2010 y. y.", the conclusion of the contract with sanatorium "Signal" on complete treatment and rehabilitation will allow in the long term to improve quality of life and health services of our inhabitants.

The administration does not wave away from problems touching health of the townspeople, and frequently accepts the most active participation in the decision of tasks, which are in conducting federal authority. The example to that can be served with preventive maintenance and treatment A hepatitis. In October, 2007 at the expense of City means the vaccine "Vakta" in amount of 500 dozes for the sum 300 thousand rubles is purchased. In December, 2007 1031 dozes on a total sum 495 thousand rubles are acquired.


The care of growing up generation is constant in a field of our attention. More then one fifth of City population (21%) are the schoolboys, pupils and students. As a whole, the urban sphere of education satisfies the townspeople, though the ripened problems are known and the decisions at this year demands.

One of them - deficiency of places in preschools, which was possible to reduce per 2007 to 25% (with 600 up to 250 children) by opening additional groups and increase of the salary. This year we shall increase amount of preschools for two children's gardens and we shall increase amount of preschool groups in elementary schools - children's gardens.

In school education, (9100 pupils) the level of knowledge is still high. Per 2007 almost third of 9, 11 classes graduates studied as "Good" and "Perfectly". 22 graduates have received gold medals, 38 pupils silver ones.

The connection of initial, secondary and high education is improved.

During realization of the priority national project "Education", 2 city schools are recognized as the winners in competition: school № 13 and Lyceum "Technical".

5 teachers of city became the winners of competition on reception of the money premium (till 100 thousand rubles to each winner) among the best teachers of Russia.

3 pupils became the winners in competition "Education".

At 2007 City Administration has awarded with the grants 13 best pupils (total sum of payments was equaled of 200 thousand rubles).

Health of children - special priority in activity of City Administration. The organization of a correct and healthy meal is the important business.

For meal of the pupils at 2007 is spent 8.65 mill. rubles, that is more at 1.5 times, than at 2006.

Besides daily 1200 pupils receive hot dinners for the money, the guys can choose meal for dinner. At all schools the buffets with wide assortment - juices, batch, sandwiches work.

It is necessary to refuse dry breakfasts, artificial sweet products, which harm to health of children. It is necessary to replace by their good meal.

At 2007 with City Administration was given 6 mill. rubles on summer rest of children, 6867 children have a rest at summer hotels and camps (74% from total).


The experts, which opinion was taken into account during sociological interrogation, speak that the city should have strategy determining prospects of its development. It is doubtless, so. The majority of opinions consists that Obninsk future is the city - university with the advanced scientific manufacture. It is determined by that in city there are a lot of educational institutes and students. Due to efforts of the Governor of region, the chiefs of these institutes, the level of high education in city constantly grows. In 2007 in Institute of Atomic Power and Technique the medical faculty has opened. Thus, it is possible to speak about its transformation into university of a classical type.


The last year such socially important for the townspeople objects, as a unique complex of sports gymnastics by Latinina, 12 sports platforms with an artificial covering are entered into operation. The overhaul of the covered swimming pool comes to an end, which the city dwellers wait for a long time. The construction Ice Palace is planned, its construction will begin already in the beginning II quarter of 2008.

The construction of all large sports objects would not be without assistance of regional authority. It would be desirable to express the special gratitude to the Governor of region for support.


The special attention is required with youth (politics in city. The system work in youth sphere is necessary. "The Program of Youth Politics Development in Obninsk City on 2008 - 2010 " is created.

At 2008 the end of the project "The Youth Public Center" is planned. We shall repair the destroyed premises of "OK-Club" building to the address Gorkiy Street, 6. The center will engage in realization of urban youth measures, organization of work on youth employment, and also becomes the center for work of youth organizations.

It is one more answer to desire of the townspeople to live in Obninsk (almost 90% of the inhabitants). It is necessary to make so that Obninsk became even better, it is even more attractive to life and work. It can be achieved at the expense of City economy development, realization of the youth politics, development of leisure and rest structure.

Already today we receive positive estimations of our work on creation of well paid places for the young experts in such large enterprises, as 'Hemopharm", "Kraftway", "Home Credit and Finance Bank", "Realit".


Only attraction of the young staff gives the answer about City scientific complex future.

The scientific enterprises of city expand regional and international connections. At 2007 they have organized and have carried out more than 40 conferences, seminars and meetings of scientific, technical and educational subjects, including 7 international, in which have taken part about 3700 men. Institute of Physics and Power Engineering (IPPE) continued to play a coordinating and uniting role.

The role of the large institutes such as Institute of Physics and Power Engineering (IPPE), Research and Production Enterprise "Technology" and other is still great. The visit of Mikhail Phradkov, the Chairman of Russian Government has confirmed it at September 2007. This visit has given a good estimation to a scientific complex of city.


It is important to note, that in City small innovation business actively develops, which social importance is determined by its organizational mobility and higher motivation to introduction in comparison with the large and average enterprises by.

One of City Administration priority tasks is the perfection of activity urban innovation structure.

At 2007 the work on creation of Economic Development Territory on 18 hec. in the area of Red Dawns Street has proceeded. In the essence it is Obninsk mini Techno Park. The competition was spent and now development of the project for the given territory is carried out. The realization of the project will allow creating a basis for systematic and compact accommodation in Obninsk small and average industrial innovation enterprises. Total volume of the investments is estimated in 900 mill. rubles.

The prospects of development innovation structure are connected, first of all, to strengthening of accent on economy of scientific development and technologies. In this connection, the special meaning gets the further development business incubators and centers of technologies. Now in City 3 business incubators (municipal, student's and business incubator, created at "The Obninsk Center of Sciences and Technologies") carry out the activity.


And, certainly, the regional and federal project Techno Park is the future of city. Already is now expected, that volume of scientific production will make more than 13 bill. rubles, 2000 workplaces will be created.

The construction of Techno Park objects will cause expansion and construction of engineering objects and structure (reconstruction of substation, expansion of clearing structures, construction of range household wastes, water pipe, realization of engineering networks, additional sources of the electric power).

The further development of City enterprises, including what will be placed in Techno Park, necessarily will confront (and already collides) with a problem of limitation of City territory, which now makes 4297 hec.


By the governor and Government of the Kaluga region the decision on expansion of Obninsk City borders was accepted. According to the decision of urban Assembly on development of the new General plan in view of expansion of borders, the technical project on development is prepared.

93% of the townspeople welcome the expansion of urban borders.

Much is already made. The technical project is developed on the basis of the made Agreements on joint development 10853 hec. of areas (Zukov, Borovsk and Maloyaroslavets areas).

Within the framework of the technical project preparation joint building advice with participation of these areas chiefs is spent, and the functional zones are authorized.

The technical project is prepared for representation in urban Assembly on the statement. After that the development of the new General plan of Obninsk City will begin.


One of questions exciting townspeople is maintenance of public safety. Therefore, the Administration accepted and will arrange for strengthening material base of The Urban Department of Internal Businesses. With this purpose at 2007 7 automobiles equipped with modern monitoring systems of speed were acquired. The divisions of departments were completed with computer engineering. The project of a video supervision on Aksenov Square is realized. With the help of this system already it was possible to open an especially heavy crime.

To militia and patrol service divisional from the budget of city established surcharge at a rate of 2000 rubles per month. 25 men increase the number of the employees of a road and patrol service divisional.

This support has resulted in positive results. This decrease criminality on 11.1%, among the teenagers - on 24.2%, especially heavy criminality - on 29.4%, alcoholic intoxication 61.6%.

We understand, that the situation with the public order is far from ideal, therefore work will be continued.

In the budget, accepted for 2008, the increase of surcharges to the employees up to 5000 rubles, increase of regular number at 15 men, and the means on purchase 2 automobiles is stipulated.

Besides, the construction of complex system of a video supervision "Safe City" will proceed, to which creation is planned 15 mill. rubles.

The city dwellers during sociological interrogation made the critical remarks to address Administration. Reacting on criticism, us the decision on change of urban authority work with the inhabitants is accepted: the reception of the citizens by the assistants of the Chapter of Administration outside of Administration building is already organized.

Each official should be accessible to any city dweller.

With the purposes of an openness and availability of the executive City authority in February the catalogue of services to the population rendered by all services to City Administration city will be issued. There will be all: the operating procedure of services, their address and telephones.


At the end of the report I would like to quote words of Dmitriy Medvedev, First Vice-Premier of Russian Government: "Main for development of our country - continuation of quiet and stable development. The decades of stable development are necessary simply. What ours of the countries was deprived in the twentieth century. Decades of normal life and purposeful work. Everything, that 8 years were done in the country in last, had for an object to give Russia long prospect of successful development. When in the beginning of 2000 we were engaged in clearing of blockages, decision of sharp, urgent problems, already then we seriously thought how to work for decades forward. Thought not only of scale economic tasks, but also about moral spheres".

And our City, having gone through all these events together with the country, demands not so repair of separate holes, and thoughtful system work on its development.



 Obninsk, Kaluga region, Russia;

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