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The report of the Obninsk Administration Chapter N. E. Shubin on February 9, 2007.

Past 2006 year was for all of us sign and especial. Besides the successfully carried out measures devoted to 50th anniversary of Obninsk, due to harmonious joint work of all branches of authority of city and constructive interaction with Region government, on results of year we together with you have achieved positive dynamics on the basic parameters of socio economic city development.

Among main strategic tasks for Obninsk, which managed to be solved in 2006 would like to note the following:  

First. After long debate, long work, the city at last has got high-grade, competent, and main appropriate to the federal and regional laws - the Charter. In this document all rights both duties of the executive and legislative authority are registered. The acceptance of the Charter of Obninsk has put the end to all questions at issue on activity of city management and has put all our structures on rails of steady development. Therefore, using a case, would like to express gratitude to the deputy case and personally to V. V. Vikulin for fruitful work.

Second. The last year we with you have achieved essential growth in development of city economy. So, the volumes of industrial manufacture after 2006 year have increased more, than by 19%, volume of retail trade - on 26%. The average wages in city have grown on 24%. Especially I want to note almost 50% increasing of the own urban budget incomes. 642 million roubles - unknown growth for Obninsk.

Third. We have carried out the large work on performance of the priority national projects in territory of city. The constantly working groups are created which together with the chiefs of branches have achieved appreciable results in public health services and housing construction. For the first time since the last century in city there is a complex building: It is 38-th microarea and building of inhabited formation on crossing of Lenin prospectus and Belkinskay street.

Fourth. For the first time for many years at the centre of attention of urban authority there was a theme of living-municipal services. Today it is possible safely to tell, that in 2006 year there was a long-awaited break in restoration of a urban infrastructure. Almost 150 thousand square meters of roads on a total sum of 61,3 mill. roubles and more than 9 thousand sq. meters of throughfares are actually capitally repaired. The huge work, which was carried out with a building complex, has allowed us adequately to meet anniversary of city and partially to remove a problem, which Obninsk inhabitants according to interrogations, put as one of paramount. We have begun reconstruction of outside illumination, introduction saving power technologies, replacement old and lining of new engineering networks. The expenses for these purposes in 2006 have made 300 mill. roubles, and in 2007 they will leave on a level 500 mill. roubles. Substantially it is a consequence of growth in base branches of city economy.



On the block of economic questions I would like to stop in more detail. Volume of industrial manufacture in territory of Obninsk has made 7 bill. 882 mill. Roubles.It is 10,2% from reginal one. Volume of building work on results of year is fixed on a mark of 1 bill. 890 mill. Roubles.It is 17,3% from regional one. Volume of the city investments has made of 2 billion 808 million roubles. The municipal industrial zone develops and it is the largest investment project (is enclosed more than 3,5 bill. roubles of private investments). The advanced technologies already of long-term partners of city at the new industrial enterprises here are submitted: a factory of the Serbian pharmaceutical concern "Hemopharm", IT centre of the Czech bank Home Credit and Finance Bank and Obninsk enterprises, which metal construction factory "Ventall" has headed. It for the first time became the largest tax bearer, though the most maximum words of gratitude are deserved with Technology and IPPE. In 2007 year 4 enterprises will be started.



In comparison with the previous year in 2006 in Obninsk there was an essential growth of real wages (+11,8 % against 9,4 % in 2005). It has made 8 821 roubles. On statistic data at the large and average enterprises a level of payment - 10 886 roubles. An essential role in growth of wages, work of a urban interdepartmental commission on the control of receipt of tax and other obligatory payments, work of a urban interdepartmental commission on control of social security of the population, stimulated legalization of wages at the enterprises, where its monthly average size was lower of living minimum. In result it was possible to increase an average level of the salary under the registered contracts of the individual businessmen up to 3740 roubles per one month. For comparison - in 2005 the level of payment of work under such contracts made only 1886 roubles. Today majority of the Obninsk businessmen already independently has resulted the lists of staff and salaries of the townspeople, them having established higher of living minimum. The activity of a commission will be done in 2007. The increase of a standard of well-being of our inhabitants has caused growth of volumes of retail sales, which on all channels of realization in 2006 have made of 8,4 billion roubles, on 15 percents having exceeded a level of 2005 year.



I shall note, that all again entered enterprises are registered in territory of city and with the taxes fill up the municipal budget. The share of the tax incomes which have acted in the urban budget has made 26 percents (in 2005 year 19 percents).

  • It is 667 mill. roubles, which basic sources became the tax to the incomes of the physical persons, taxes to the cumulative income, ground tax, rent payment for municipal uninhabited premises and ground.

  • In the whole incomes of the urban budget have increased on 37 percents, having reached a mark 1 bill. 151 mill. roubles, total amount of the charges of the budget has made 1 bill. 174 mill. roubles, deficiency of the budget 22 mill. roubles.

  • In 2007 the own incomes will increase on 23% and will make of 822 million roubles.

  • In the whole incomes of the urban budget will increase on 17,3 percents and achieve marks 1 bill. 350 million roubles. The administration also is engaged in optimization of the budget charges, and due to this work the last year the economy of budget means has made of 18 million roubles.


  • realizations of competitions of the municipal orders on purchase of works and services for municipal establishments 14,5 mill. roubles;

  • reduction of attraction of the credits of commercial banks, and also use for financing the charges of the budget temporarily of free means of the urban budget has allowed to receive economy of the charges on service of the municipal debt at a rate of 3 mill. roubles.

Working above the budget of 2007 we together with Urban Assembly for the first time for long years have accepted the decision to direct the rather impressive sum of 486 millions roubles to the capital charges. It is enough to tell, that in 2005 year on the same purposes is used of all 152 million, and in 2006 year of 300 millions roubles. Thus, Administration and deputy case have made a first step to creation of the budget of development. The budget focused on concrete result!



Taking into account, that essential loading on performance of the declared programs in 2007 lays on a building complex of city, would like to point your attention at a condition of businesses in this branch. So, total amount of civil work in 2006 year executed by own forces of the enterprises and organizations of city has made as a whole 1 bill. 890 mill. roubles (35 % of all works is carried out outside territory of Obninsk), index of physical volume 111 percents. By results of the last year the sum of the habitation, entered into operation, has made 31,2 thousand square meters, in 2007 we with you shall enter 74,4 thousand square meters of habitation (growth 2,4 times). The last year means given to Obninsk as scientific city program were mastered as follows:

1.       Infrastructures MPZ (electrical transformers);

2.       Constructions of Dobrin water pipeline;

3.       Construction of an engineering infrastructure of a municipal industrial zone;

4.       Parental centre.

The basic result of branch the last year, certainly, is connected to reconstruction of urban roads. At the same time, I want to assure everything, that the Administration is not going to reduce the typed rates in road construction. And for 2007 year in the urban budget is incorporated on these purposes 58 mill. roubles. So, this year we plan to repair those sites of city roads, on which long years the leg of the builder did not go at all. They are Samsonov throughfare, Shatskiy street, Pirogov street, Komsomol street, Gorkiy street, Lermontov street, site up to ABZ on last. Also will be capitally repaired: Kurchatov street, Lenin street from the area of Transformation up to IPPE checkpoint №2. In 2007 year we shall begin reconstruction of railway area, we shall finish repair of an overpass through the railway Moscow Bryansk. And as well as it was promised to the townspeople, we reconstruct the bridge through Repinka river, a connecting part with an old part of city. Last object will cost 8 millions roubles.



Perhaps, most problem and demanding to itself of constant attention of all branches of authority, is the vital sphere the living-municipal services. The city needs complete updating of a municipal infrastructure. And we do much in this direction. The question of construction of new range firm household rubbish has moved from a dead point. The existing rubbish range already for a long time has exhausted the opportunities. Now there is a registration of the documentation on the land territory for construction of the second turn of rubbish range by the area 13,1 hectares. The land registration process for construction by the area 6,4 hectares is in the ended stage. For construction of the second turn of rubbish range already have developed the equipment design, in which the technologies on rubbish recycling are got in. The project on reconstruction of clearing city structures is developed and already has passed state experts. Also, this year, as we also promised, Dobrin water pipe will be started. The project-budget documentation on construction main urban shit collector is begun. We clearly understand, that these projects the basis, without which is impossible city development. The support of the Governor will help us to realize these tasks.

The active work on introduction in life of the new Housing code of Russian Federation proceeds in the city. The private managing companies are involved in branch also. The living-municipal complex carries out 23 assemblies of the premise proprietors in apartment houses. The regular meetings are organized with the inhabitants of urban microareas on an explanation of the basic rules of the Code. Despite of the certain resistance, we have carried out reorganization The Managing company. As a result of these structures merging The Municipal managing company is created. Sergey Lapin has headed it. Today we see, that it was the correct decision. At 2006 year the taxes on a rent from the population have increased on 5%. The debts in 126 millions roubles due to work of the new chiefs was reduced on 80,4 mill. roubles. The common population debts have decreased in comparison with 2005 year on 17% and are equal today to 74,5 mill. roubles. As to overhaul of housing fund, at 2006 year on these purposes has given about 40 mill. roubles. It is more on 12 mill. roubles, than at 2005. In the budget of 2007 on overhaul is given 46 mill. roubles. That reduction on payment of living-municipal services will depend on transition of save power technology. So, for today in city 49 common house devices of the account heat power and 40 counters of cold water are established. In townspeople apartments the 3447 counters of cold and hot water are established also. The account devices are successfully applied in 36 schools and children's establishments of city. In the budget of 2007 we have provided financing the installation of common house account devices in volume of 3,3 mill. roubles. Within the performance of the save power program the reconstruction of outside illumination for Komarov street, Guryanov street is made with application more effective technologies in amount of 54 ones. The repair of outside illumination Kurchatov street, Lenin street, Engels street, Lyashenko street is made with replacement of fixtures RKU-250 on modern highly effective ZKU-150 in amount of 172 ones. Taking into account, that during 10 years, the means for these purposes actually were not given, we have put a task to make city covered, including financing installation of additional illumination in city.

Speaking about a problem, which excites each city dweller, namely - annual growth of payment for living-municipal services, especially I want to note, that the increase of cost of these services for the townspeople is carried out with simultaneous application of measures of social protection through appropriate indemnifications. Volume of means selected as the grants to needy families for payment of living-municipal services, has made 17,2 mill. roubles at 2006 against 16,7 mill. roubles at 2005. The last year huge amount of works on an accomplishment of urban territories is executed. 175 thousand flower pieces is brought up and landed. 77 flower vases are established. More than 1000 trees and bushes are landed. For the first time the elements of vertical gardening are applied in city. Obninsk has occupied first place in regional competition on a rank The most comfortable city of the Kaluga region. After a long-term break the fountains on Victories street and Leypunskiy street are started in work. 57 spontaneous dumps of dust are liquidated. Now in streets of city the harvester machine Вroddweу Senior in cost 2600 thousand roubles, presented by the region Governor in honour of 50th anniversary effectively works. The application of the given engineering will allow to make harvest of city territory most qualitatively and with high efficiency. 2890 sq. meters of lawns are repaired.

Among positive aspects of activity in living-municipal sphere today it is possible safely to name transfer to the municipal property of woods located in city territory. If earlier legally we had no the right to put means in their accomplishment, I am sure, this year, we shall see the first results on clearing our woods.



Speaking about social sphere it is necessary, first of all, to stop on a demographic problem. The population of Obninsk by the beginning of this year practically remained constant about 105,5 thousand people. At the same time, in 2006 the record amount of the townspeople for last 15 years 1050 children was born. Though, certainly it is not enough for improvement of a demographic situation. For cities it is required to solve a number of the following prime tasks:

1. Increasing birth rate. The absence urban parental house already for a long time is a sharpest problem of city development. The project of the parental house reconstruction began in 2002. However, serious push and real actions on construction of this object we have begun at 2005-2006 years. For all period of works it is mastered 59 mill. roubles: for today the building works practically are completed, there is a preparation for a complete set by the necessary equipment and furniture there. In 2007 the parental house, equipped on last word of engineering will open the doors and signs first women in childbirth.

2. The participation of the Kaluga region and Obninsk in the state program of assistance to voluntary resettlement of the compatriots, one of which purpose is the decision of the staff problem. For today there is only 0,48 % unemployment in Obninsk. At the same time, the need for the qualified experts in times exceeds the offer. Especially during opening the new industrial enterprises.

3. Today more than 7 thousand townspeople daily go on work in Moscow and Moscow region. As a rule, they are highly skilled experts, who do not accept a level of wages in city. One of long-term objectives of Administration is the creation of attractive conditions for returning these experts, especially of youth, in native city. In other words it is necessary to increase the real quality of the townspeople life.

At 2007 year within the framework of the city participation in the national project Accessible and comfortable habitation, in Administration the subroutine Maintenance by habitation of young families is developed. For its realization from the urban budget will be given 10 million roubles, the financing from the regional budget is provided too. More than 60 applications from our young Obninsk families are accepted already. It is necessary to expand work on construction accessible at the price of habitation, as it is offered by Anatoliy Artamonov the region Governor. The project of apartment granting for the young scientists, has got finance from means of the federal budget to build 7 apartments only.

The care of growing up generation begins with places in children's gardens and is finished by qualitative education. In a part of places deficiency in municipal gardens, with assistance of our region Governor we return in the urban property two children's gardens, which today are completely completed and already accept the children. The turn, thus, was reduced to 270 ones. In 2007 we shall continue optimization of children's preschool establishments.



Speaking about education, should note, that percent of our Obninsk pupils in various higher educational institutions from year to year is stably increased. If at 2000 year they were only 69 %, on results of 2006 year 84,7 %. This statistics inspires of optimism and gratitude to our teachers.

About quality of Obninsk education speaks also numerous victories of our pupils at urban and regional Olympiads. So, in 16 regional Olympiads 36 our pupils became the winners and prize-winners. At a State project Education" three Obninsk schools (Liceum "State", college "Liceum" and secondary school № 11) became the winners of competition among the best innovating Russian educational establishments and have received one million roubles each. Besides 5 our teachers have taken part and have won competition among the best Russian teachers. They have received in the award till 100 thousand roubles.

415 Obninsk class chiefs since January 1, 2006 is paid almost 5 mill. roubles. The large work will be carried out and at a level of region (extra fee to Deserved teachers, Honourable workers of common education, teachers of physical culture, young experts etc.). The authority of city nor has continued payment of the 20-percentage extra charge to all workers of education.

At 2007 year in the budget of city the serious growth of capital expenses to support of sphere of education is planned. Will be given 50 millions roubles on repair of schools only, that almost in 1,5 times exceeds the expenses of the last year.

However there are problems requiring additional efforts for their complete decision here:

  • A deficiency of places in municipal children's preschool establishments;

  • An adaptation of the teenagers to socio economic conditions of modern life;

  • Health of the trainees and maintenance of their safety in educational process;

  • Education workers salary material base of educational establishments.

At 2007 and the next years we shall concentrate attention on the decision of these tasks.

The growing up generation requires steadfast attention from the executive authority. There are about 50 measures for one year, in which 4 500 young people has accepted active participation. From budget means the financial support of youth collectives Urban House of Сulture, Centre of Сhildren and Нouth Вevelopment, Student's Сlub and other organizations engaged by problems of youth was carried out. Meeting movement was received the active development in our city, as the most convenient form of interaction and creative development of working youth. In Obninsk the Youth League KVN works, promoting creative development of the pupils and students. One of the coordination forms of work with youth in city can become creation of the Youth Centre capable legally to support the youth initiatives. The returning of the qualified young experts from the Moscow region, their employment and social live can be achieved by realization of Youth vacancy fair.



With the purposes of physical culture and sports development the last year from the budget of city were given 28 millions roubles. Obninsk sportsmen regularly please us with the achievement, including on serious Russian and international competitions. So, ours citizen Nikolay Scvortsov the swimmer became the Champion and owner Cups of Russia and Europe. The volleyball club "Obninsk" at a Championship of Russia represents city and Kaluga region in Advance league. The young football players acted by five teams at Championship of Russia. The Obninsk boxers have won the two first places at Championship of Russia.

In total in first scientifical city of Russia more than 500 competitions on various kinds of sports are carried out. There were competitions of the Russian and international level: volleyball, boxing, art gymnastics, chess, wrestling and other in Obninsk.

The new sport objects are built and old are reconstructed. So, in 2006 they are constructed and handed over in operation:

  • a multifunctional platform in 39 micro area

  • a sports complex for beach volleyball supported of the Obninsk businessmen.

These buildings unique in the Kaluga region of a similar level. On behalf of the region Governor from means of the regional budget the construction of a gymnastic sports complex by Larisa Latenena proceeds. Tennis complex by the Krasnorudskiys is constructed in city also.

Reconstruction and overhaul of our urban pool becomes one of the basic projects of physical culture and sports support long-awaited townspeople this year. For these purposes in Obninsk budget is incorporated of 20 million roubles. 10 millions on these needs we consider to receive from the region budget.

The private investments in construction of open multifunctional school stadiums will be used also. Other sore urban problem a parking of machines will be solved also. Today on militia statistics about 40 000 automobiles consists in city. The townspeople parks their automobiles anywhere beginning from court yard, sidewalks, and finishing by the pavements, that creates the large problems to municipal services.

To put the end to automobile chaos in city it is necessary and through construction of multi-storey parking. Now five projects of multi-storey parkings on Obninsk territory pass appropriate coordination and examination, including ecological.

The new sport projects directed on support of our inhabitants, on an opportunity are developed to conduct a healthy life, to be engaged in favorite kinds of sports.



The work is directed to public health services on stable functioning of treatment and preventive establishments of all ownership. As an example of joint decision is the offer of Anatoliy Tsib MRRC RAMS director, Chairman of Council on public health services and social development of city, which he has made at last session. The speech went about the program Man's Population Health, the man's population of city agrees with which could to pass on some terms (and all free-of-charge) inspection and treatment on the basis of MRRC RAMS. Of course with the help of budget means and other sources. MRRC RAMS is ready on itself to take development of this program at support of Administration.

In context of a federal task about demographic situation improvement, all members of Council positively recognize Anatoliy Tsibs offer and in the near future we are going to develop and to enter the program in our city.

On financing Central Medical-Sanitary Department № 8 and the maintenance of the population by preferential medical preparations from the budget of city in 2006 is directed 46 million 367 thousand roubles. The special attention (and I already about it spoke) we gave to realization of state project "Public health services" in our city. In this connection in city there is a development of the primary medical-sanitary help, through improvement of payment to the medical worker of a primary link public health services. Since March, 2006 the payments for performance of the state task on rendering additional medical aid to the population of city in Central Medical-Sanitary Department № 8 have made 10 thousand roubles for the local doctors and 5 thousand roubles for the appropriate categories of the medical sisters. These means are directed not simply on increase of wages to the doctors and medical sisters of a primary link, and are paid as the extra charge of stimulating character for additional volume of work.



Questions of safety demand the special attention of Administration. Antiterrorist commission actively works in the city. We continue to support Obninsk internal businesses department. So, at 2007 year on these purposes in the budget is incorporated of 27 millions roubles, that is more on 5 millions, than in one year past.

The additional means as agreed with Obninsk internal businesses department will be directed on the increasing of the patrol employees. To get 7 automobiles for state inspection of safety of road movement and special means for needs militia is planned also. Using of video supervision systems will be extended.

All those joint measures with federal territorial authority will allow to improve quality of struggle with criminality, drugs and to enter preventive work on the warning of offences in territory of city. So, in January of this year the number of street crimes is one of best on region.



In 2006 Administration has continued most serious work on realization in city of 122 federal law № 122 in city. The social sphere, support of preferential categories of the citizens, pensioners and veterans always was and will remain major aspect of our activity. More than 27 thousand the man referred to preferential categories of the townspeople (it almost each fourth townspeople) are registered.

At 2006 year on free-of-charge medicines was spent of 17,2 million roubles of urban means. From the regional budget the last year is received of the grants for preferential medicinal maintenance in the sum of 3,1 million roubles.

As to this year, in the budget of Obninsk on medicinal maintenance is given of 18 millions roubles. In the beginning of year the shortage of some preparations is felt. The management of public health services solves this task.

One more example. Since March, 1 of this year there will be a monthly address help on payment for an inhabited premise and municipal services to the lonely citizens, and also families consisting of the not working pensioners in the age of:

  • The man from 60 years

  • The women after 55 years

In a case if the size of pension of the given categories of the population does not exceed size of living minimum established in our area, in view of privileges and grants, monthly financial help will be equal to 200 roubles.



Summarizing the next stage of socio economic city development, we are simultaneously obliged precisely to represent and its prospect. And, not for one or two years, and, at least, the coming ten - fifteen years.

The serious work is done by an architectural complex on development of the General plan of city building. Procedure of public hearings of a Rule of land tenure and city building has already passed. In a near future General plan will be born also for the citizens. Is sure, that this year these documents will be authorized finally and the city will be built up henceforth according to the main regulating document. The acceptance of Rules and General plan will allow us:

  • Please download Java(tm). to create conditions for steady development of city to keep an environment;

  • to ratify town-planning zones and rules;

  • to ensure the rights and lawful interests of the physical and legal persons of the legal owners of the ground areas;

  • to create conditions for attraction of the investments in city.

One of the major strategic decisions accepted at a level of the Governor of the Kaluga region, became Obninsk border expansion. To city, really, already for a long time became close in existing borders. Especially taking into account rough development of an industry, opening of new manufactures and Techno Park.

The Techno Park creation it is 13 billion new volumes of manufacture more than 100 new enterprises. It is more than 4 bill. roubles of the investments. According to the developed plan, the expansion of city will share on two stages:

  • in first behind Obninsk the new land area about 1300 hectares near Technical University of Atomic energy will be fixed;

  • in second Obninsk border will extend in all parties and in general complexity 12 thousand hectare of ground will be added to city.

For comparison the today's area of Obninsk is equal to 4 300 hectares. Is thought, that the importance of the given major political decision for the inhabitants is difficult for overestimating. The decision of the Governor of region in January of this year already creates working group, the first session is carried out, and on which results is produced. Especially I want to note, that the strategic way of our city development is innovating business, to attraction of the serious investments, creation high technical products and construction of the modern enterprises.

Due to Governor of region, ministries and departments, understanding and assistance of the deputies of regional Legislative assembly, the city of Obninsk today firmly and consistently advances on innovating way of development. According to the produced strategy, designing a zone innovating development, the engineering infrastructure along Red Dawns Street proceeds. The project of street continuation will allow creating a basis for systematic and compact accommodation in Obninsk small and average industrial innovating enterprises.

The prospective territory for building 18 hectares, its density will make 40 %, and common area of 72 000 sq. meters. The planned area of buildings and structures of 216 000 sq. meters, on which will roughly be placed from 50 up to 120 small and average enterprises. According to the forecasts of the experts, volume of the investments on this platform will make more than 100 mill. roubles.

Except for the named projects, we continue to develop business - incubator, and also we are planning the creation of Obninsk Development Agency. The work on staff preparation was made active also. Speaking about development of innovating sphere, we realize Obninsk as city of a science. In scientific sphere at 2006 year there were many positive changes. Volume of scientific researches and development executed by large and average city organizations has made 2 billion 151 million roubles. Available growth to a level of 2005 on 23,5% on the actual prices of the appropriate years. The share of city at region volume is equal to 61,35%. Obninsk is the high-grade participant of the state development programs of region and country, and both at the city level, and at a level of State centres of science, research institutes and enterprises. So, volume of federal financing of the state orders in 2006 has made more than 1,5 bill. roubles.

The city administration is in constant contact and close cooperation with scientific establishments, high schools, and small innovating enterprises of city. We active participate in work of urban scientific and technical advice (Anatoliy Zrodnikov) on discussion of various questions of science and innovating development in Obninsk and Kaluga region. The cooperation with the scientists, movement Territory of innovating development will allow to develop the project of a science and innovating development of Obninsk up to 2015 year as a component of the appropriate strategy in the Kaluga region. Besides the Administration finishes development The Program of Socio Economic Development of Obninsk as science city of Russian Federation for the period with 2007 till 2011 years according to new normative materials of ministry.

For the last year by the representatives of city scientific - industrial complex is organized and is carried out more than 50 conferences, seminars both meetings of a scientific and technical and educational orientation, including 8 international, in which more than 5 000 men have taken part.

On Presidential competition The Conducting scientific school of 2006 has won scientific school from MRRC RAMS under a management of Anatoliy Tsib.

On the sixth Moscow international innovating and investment interior Obninsk was adequately submitted by a number of research organizations which have received some amount of the awards, including: 9 diplomas, 3 gold, 2 silver and 3 bronze medals.

Competition of the Ministry of economic development and trade Russian Federation has won Obninsk Business Incubator and business - incubator again created by Center of Science and Technology. For these business - incubators is attracted 6 mill. Federal means, 4,3 mill. from the regional budget and 2,8 mill. roubles will be given from the local budget. Now there is a preparation of creation one more business incubator at Physical Chemistry Institute of a name Karpov (V. Ostapets). And these projects do compete each other, forming innovating uniform system.

Per 50th city anniversary the 69th anniversary of IPPE has noted. The chief of Federal Agency on atomic engineering Sergey Kirienko presented on a holiday and has noted that there are serious plans on development of nuclear power in the country, and that in these plans the leading place is given to our IPPE.

The scientific complex of Obninsk, taking into account politics of the federal centre, for last year has received really serious support in the development, which opens new horizons. It is important to note, that in scientific environment of Obninsk general understanding today was developed that the city can and should act by the customer of innovating development.

This year we also have put before ourselves a number of even more arrogant purposes (table of parameters SIR). We see our problems, a lot of them yet. But the main conclusion can be made: This year was successful for city, we have ceased to stop up holes, to work in the fire order, we have begun systematic, thorough activity on cardinal development of all branches of municipal economy. The successful decision of tasks in many respects will depend, how the authority will organize the work. Work of Administration has complexities and problems, is not deprived of lacks. The work on improvement of professional skill and retraining of the staff in all budget system is not done on the necessary level. We have a lot of questions on effective management of property, work of urban transport organization, accommodation of the municipal order and as a whole on optimization of the management structure. We have no time to calm down, to stop on achieved. We are sure in own forces, potential of city and its inhabitants and in realization of the planned plans!



The apartment house to the address of 144, Lenin st. has been built.

The builder - UKS of city.

The photo is given by Alexey KONONOV, the employee of The City Tax Department



Results and prospects of Obninsk's Corporate Informational Library Network development

In modern conditions the increasing of informational library activity efficiency at the expense of labour division advantages is deeply minded, but is already realized in many foreign countries. The certificate to this is the successful functioning more then 250 international, national and regional associations: consortia, associations, corporations, and computer informational library networks. The basic mission of similar associations - assistance to accumulation and maintenance of a cultural safety, scientific heritage of libraries and informational institutes, easy users' approach to various informational resources and development of service on the basis of progressive technologies.

Introduction of the modern automated technologies in informational services and libraries of the country, development of network interaction, integration of information resources becomes more and more priority directions in Russia.

Obninsk is one of first scientific city, where since 2001 have begun the decision of these problems. The works were carried out within the framework of realization of the Federal target Program of  Obninsk development as scientific city at 2000-2004 years. The organizational structure of a corporate informational library network consists from Obninsk Technical University of Atomic Technique and Power (parent organization), Municipal organization "The Centralized Library System", World Center of Data, "Typhoon", "Technology". This year the participants of this project can become two research institutes.

The basic purposes of the Project Corporate Informational Library Network:

-Informational Library service for Obninsk's scientists and experts, establishments and organizations for the decision of scientific, educational, social, cultural, administrative, business and other tasks.

-Assistance to creation of much thematic electronic resources and expansion of services sphere on the basis of modern informational and telecommunicational technologies.

Our results

The urban informational library site Obninsk Corporate Informational Library Network is created, the electronic catalogue is prepared on the basis of new receipts and retrospective fund of general volume more then 60 thousand bibliographic, abstract and full-text documents, the easy approach to electronic information resources through the Internet is supplied and the technology of informational and technological interaction of the network participants is introduced. The interaction library technology  is developed at acquisition of the literature and joint service of the users, the spectrum of services (automated order of the literature and release of the various informational editions is extended) are transferred to the automated technologies a number of traditional library technologies.

Our plans for the future

  1. In the field of creation of electronic resources and development of funds of the scientific and technical literature:

  • To increase volumes and to improve quality (aspect and thematic structure) electronic resources, including creation full text data;

  • To create the incorporated fund of the domestic and foreign editions;

  • To develop the automated technology of libraries and information city services on coordination of the literature acquisition and joint service of the readers.

   2.   In the field of cooperation with various information-library organizations:

To develop and to introduce technology of problem databases creation on the basis of cooperation with Russian informational conducting institutes and foreign integrated networks (Association of scientific libraries of Europe - LIBER, Service of a world computer network of national libraries - Gabriel etc.).

   3.   In the field of information service development:

  • To create an informational infrastructure of Obninsk City;

  • To introduce the automated technology of the literature order under the interlibrary subscription and electronic delivery of the documents.

Valeriy Stupkin

The chief of the Project, Master of engineering science,

The head of Obninsk Technical University of Atomic Technique and Power department




( On materials by Elena Kolotilina in the newspaper Obninsk Bulletin № 33 (111) from 31.08.06)


The executive director of the Russia biotechnologists' Society Р. Vasilov.


For last 5 years more than 150 bill dollars of the investment have made in biotechnological sector. There is a real biotechnological race in the world now. Per 80 years we occupied the second place in the world on biotechnologies. For 90 years the highest share of the Russian biotechnologies in world manufacture - 3 % took place. And in 2000 it was already lowered up to the tenth shares of percent when world sharply has escaped forward. By 2010 the share of Russia in total amount of world manufacture of biotechnological production will not exceed a quarter of percent. And, on gene engineering products, share this will make no more than 0,1 %. Today Russia occupies 70th place in the world on a level of biotechnologies.

Three waves of biotechnological revolution passed in the world. First, so-called "dark blue" wave was marked by creation of gene engineering preparations. Such well-known today medical preparations as insulin, interpherone were developed then. In so-called "green" wave there was a revolution in agro technologies, trance gene plants were received. A new wave of biotechnological revolution, so-called "white" revolution connected to industrial biotechnologies (microbiology, biocatalysis) now began.

So, industrial biotechnologies, biogeotechnologies - one of modern having hold-up directions of modern biotechnology. The second direction is a system biology, which was marked by occurrence of trance gene technologies after decoding of the men gene. Biogeotechnologies include two basic directions - transformation on renewed raw material, first, of chemical industry, and secondly, power. In opinion of the conducting experts of the country, Russia - one of very few countries, which has absolutely all preconditions biogeotechnologies and industrial microbiology to develop with success. First of all, presence of power, large volumes of fresh water advanced agriculture. There are all these in the Kaluga area.

The second direction - system biology - most having hold-up direction in modern biology, which today turns from "pure" science to an absolutely new information field of knowledge. The system biology combines in itself molecular biology, nanotechnologists and computer science.

The last year Society of the biotechnologists of Russia uniting today more than three thousand experts and having regional branch in 55 subjects of Russian Federation, have developed the expert development program of biotechnologies in Russia on 2006 - 2015 yy. The program carries complex character and includes all necessary elements from training of personnel, education up to development of fundamental and applied researches, realization of the concrete projects, creation of material base and so on. Creation bio techno park in Obninsk - unique and very duly project. Techno park can become one of key elements of innovation system in sphere of biotechnologies not only in the Kaluga area, but also in all Russian Federation.



The rector of French-Russian Institute of Business Administration, deputy of Legislative Assembly of the Kaluga area A. Sotnikov

The technological park is an organization controlled by the experts, which overall objective is the increase of well being of local community by means of innovation culture progress, and also competitiveness of innovating business and scientific organizations. For achievement of these purposes Techno Park stimulates and operates flows of knowledge and technologies between universities, research institutes, companies and markets. It simplifies creation and growth to the innovating companies with the help of incubator processes and processes of allocation of the new companies from existing. Techno Park besides the high-quality areas provides other services.

The experience of Techno Park development in world practice totals already more than 70 years, while Russian - about 10 years. And, not only our, Russian experience, but also global, unfortunately, are basically sad. Only quarter from all Techno Parks in the world deserve the recognition as prospering, 25 % - live without any sense and hope for success and more than 50 % - has suffered crash, having confronted with insuperable difficulties, hardly having begun to activity. The Russian statistics is even worse.

What are the radical reasons of failures? The analysts allocate a number of the basic reasons of Techno Park and business incubator destructions, among which, for example, absence of demand on Techno Park, on its ground, building and structure. This reason, by amount of the applications on accommodation in Techno Park, obviously does not concern to Obninsk. It is necessary to pay attention to other reasons. First of all, it concerns a team devoted to business and adjusted on result, led by the strong leader, which should overcome very much many difficulties. The absence of stable support from authority led to failures. Because, unfortunately, such support frequently comes to an end through 2 - 3 years, when Techno Park begins to collide with substantial difficulties, and it is the widespread tendency confirmed by statistics. At last, to the essential reasons of failures it is necessary to relate weak connections with scientific organizations or complete absence of those connections.

The factors of success - presence of so-called "anchor" firms. The biotechnological and pharmaceutical direction is submitted by the serious enterprises and organizations, such as a Medical Russian Scientific Center, "Hemopharm", "Medbiopharm" and number others. Same concerns to other Techno Park's platform, focused on new materials and nanotechnology: there is enterprise "Technology", number of successful innovation enterprises. One of them - "Polycom". One of the essential factors of success is the presence of the close relations with university and academic community. One of Obninsk Techno Park's platforms settles down directly in territory of university.

What base services should render Techno Park to be successful? First of all, it is administrative support, training, access to wencher capitals and funds, seed capitals, consultations, first of all, on the intellectual property. Plus to that, many Techno Parks have the laboratory-research complexes. Such set of services is characteristic for more than 80% of world Techno Parks.

The foreign experience prompts also what the Techno Park structure should be. 88% of all Techno Parks is included with training and business incubation. "Pre-incubators" of business serve for training the final rates students, young scientists and post-graduate students. The following step - business incubators for Hi-Tech companies. The Techno Park structure provides also system of accelerators of growth that is creation of conditions for fast growth of the companies, which already send on the market. As for Techno Park "Obninsk", today it is obvious already, that it will be difficult to find a place in the territory of Obninsk Techno Park zone if to take into account growth and development of our enterprises. Physical accommodation of the enterprises in Techno Park territory is not precisely planned. The planning of territory is able the special importance for the second platform, where it is supposed to place the biotechnological enterprises. To create for each of them separate sanitary zones separate conditions on power, work with wastes - it is completely irrational.

And first of all other action the creation of effective vigorous team, aimed at the result should become prime. At last, it is extremely important to have a reference point. Such point for us is the innovation strategy of the Kaluga region development.



The director of Russian Medical Scientific Center the academician of the Russian academy of medical sciences A. F. Tsib

There is the decision of the problem concerning new domestic preparations here. It is in creation specialized Techno Parks, within the framework of which the new active substations (molecule) will be developed successfully. Only developing and making own perspective pharmpreparations, Russia can leave on the world market.

For successful functioning biotechnological and pharmaceutical Techno Park the development of major direction - scientific infrastructure for search of new active substations (molecules), improvement of the laboratory "know-how" and realization of complete complex pre-clinical tests is necessary. The experimental sector of Russian Medical Scientific Center completely answers these tasks. It is one of two full parts of Russian Medical Scientific Center, in which the experimental and research activity on creation and research of new preparations, technologies and methods is concentrated. The experimental sector of Russian Medical Scientific Center has the modern equipment, all engineering communications. There is an experimental biological clinic - vivarium, on the basis of which it is possible to carry out pre-clinical tests of new preparations. Here the experts work in the field of chemistry, biology, biochemistry, biophysics, and pharmaceutics.

The employees of scientific laboratories can carry out researches with application of the advanced methods and technologies. Today here use Cell and gene engineering technologies, flowing cytology, scanning microscopy and lot of other modern methods. The scientific collectives have long-term experience on development of new molecules and technologies.



The director of "Medbiopharm" R. Roziev

There is nothing more habitual and natural to people, than use of biotechnologies, with which they live, almost from an origin of civilization. Domestic plants and animals more than 10 thousand years back were the first experience of mankind in application of biotechnologies. And the art of winemaking mastered by the people more of 6 thousand of years back, became one more step in development of biotechnologies. Today progress of mankind in the field of biotechnologies is provided with creation biotechnological and pharmaceutical Techno Pars. But how does ecology be kept of a nature initially inherent in biotechnologies? Only by system method!

First, Techno Park should have got a uniform sanitary - protective zone there. The formation of a uniform sanitary - protective zone will allow, on the one hand, to ensure ecological safety and, with another, to place some enterprises in Techno Park territory irrespective of their structure.

Secondly, at Techno Park organization the uniform concept of building, functional and object zoning of everything are necessary that settles down in Techno Park.

Thirdly, each object, which is located in Techno Park, should have technical passport of the resident.

All this together should result that our Techno Park will have the ecological passport, which we can present to any investor, enterprise.

The researches of a present sanitary condition of Techno Parks territory were carried out. The ecological examination of this platform has shown, that already today level of extreme allowable concentration of various substances in air corresponds to norm, and level of radiation even in 4 times of below allowable meanings.

Functional zoning will ensure rational accommodation of the enterprises and good-neighborhood between them. The existing Techno Parks territory is necessary for breaking on zones with the appropriate functions - scientific, industrial, auxiliary. There is a scientific zone here today already - experimental sectors laboratory of Russian Medical Scientific Center.

In total within the framework of biotechnological and pharmaceutical Techno Park will be allocated up to six zones: engineering, scientific, biotechnological, chemical-pharmaceutical, warehouse and for auxiliary manufactures.

Each of the Techno Parks enterprises should have the technical passport of the resident, in which the controllable parameters of manufactures - occupied area, current consumption, classes of cleanliness of premises, emissions are specified. And any enterprise has no right will exceed the specified sizes.

System of recycling liquid and firm wastes of Techno Parks manufactures should be uniform. Moscow State Technical University by Baruman together with Institute of Power Mechanical Engineering, with which "Medbiopharm" has concluded the contract about scientific and technical cooperation, offer essentially new technology of processing of water containing toxic organic connections of a natural and artificial origin. This technology is ecologically clean in itself too: the organic molecules collapse by a ultra-violet irradiation, without use chemical agents.

The interesting decisions are offered and on firm wastes recycling. One perspective and "profile" to Techno Park variant is the using of microbiological technologies for recycle processing. It is most advanced of technology in the world for today; it does not damage the environment. During recycling they also allow to receive additional products. For example, the gas, they can be used for reception of the electric power, or spirit - absolutely relevant product in bio and pharmacological manufacture then.



The Techno Park will be placed on two platforms by the common area about 60 he. The first platform is located in northern part of city, occupies a part of Obninsk state technical university's territory and represents Techno Park office and business sector. The developer of the building concept is Serbian design organization "Hemopharm Engineering". The Techno Park's territory represents uniform architectural complex uniting existing university's building and the future Techno Park's objects. Construction of office buildings, warehouse premises and objects of a social infrastructure, including hotel, habitation for the young scientists and sports complex here are stipulated. The business - incubator, shared center by the equipment, regional exhibition center, premise for realization of presentations and negotiation, and also office and laboratory buildings will be placed in a zone of Techno Park's office and business center. Introduction of the brand-new projects of development new polymeric and composite materials, nano technologies, information technologies, development and introduction in manufacture of the precision control and measuring equipment and automated technological complexes here is planned. Using of Obninsk state technical university's territory will allow in common using an infrastructure, and also will ensure cooperation in transfer of technology, in an exchange of knowledge and staff in the field of business between university and firms located in territory, will promote strengthening of university communications with an industry.

On the second platform the Techno Park's biotechnological and pharmaceutical industrial complex will be placed. The Techno Park structure includes experimental sector of a Medical radiology center of science (MRCS) that will allow involving research base and unique personnel potential of the Center for realization of the joint projects. Thus, in the Techno Park the complete chain on a conclusion to the market of modern biotechnological and pharmaceutical production will be created: scientific researches - skilled-clinical tests - industrial manufacture.

There are designing and construction of engineering networks for maintenance by Techno Park resources there among prime tasks. By management on innovation and science 18 objects of an engineering infrastructure are prepared and directed to the Ministry of information technologies and communications of Russian Federation for the application on inclusion in the federal address investment program in 2007. Total amount of the investments from the federal budget is equal of 804,910 thousand rubles in 2007. For Kaluga government financial maintenance the application for inclusion of the Techno Park objects to the regional address investment program is directed.

On precomputations the reward of enclosed federal means in the Techno Park project through the paid taxes in all levels of the budgets will make about 5 years. In 2011 the total tax taxes will make more than 3 bill. rubles. Highly profitable projects, which will make the reward from 2 till 4 years, will be selected in the Techno Park further.              (Is more detailed at newspaper "Obninsk Herald" № 29 (107) from 08.03.06).


The factory on manufacture and packing of the firm medicinal forms "Hemopharm - Obninsk" has been constructed.

07.26.06     At opening the factory the president of Commercial and industrial chamber of Russian Federation Е. M. Primakov, governor of the Kaluga area A. D. Artamonov, chapter of urban administration N. Е. Shubin, President of Commercial and industrial chamber of Serbia Slobodan Miloslavlevich, president of concern "Hemopharm" Milodrug Babich, топ-managers of German pharmaceutical concern "STADA" were present. The total cost of the investments has made of 32 million euro. The firm medicinal forms intended for treatment of heart, respiratory and stomach diseases. Vitamins and other preparations will be made here. The capacity of manufacture on the initial stage - billion tablets per one year at work in two changes (number working about 100 men), in the future the enterprise will work in three changes. The modern equipment of Germany, Italy, Serbia, Russia manufacture is established.         (Is more detailed at newspaper "Obninsk" № 107 (2649) from 08.03.06).


Where to give birth in Obninsk?

At the end of 2002 in Obninsk the maternity house was closed on reconstruction. Four years the women gave birth in branch of the medical surgical case - 8.  The reconstruction of a maternity house is conducted with firm "Indrev". The chief of firm "Indrev" Э. Tkachuk has explained a delay of reconstruction because of the termination of financing. At last, money was found: from the federal budget is allocated 43 mil of roubles. The first part of the sum at a rate of 2.8 mil of roubles has acted at the end of May. Administration of city and the chiefs of firm "Indrev" have agreed to finish reconstruction by the end it to year. The maternity house in Obninsk will open in 2007. (Is more detailed see newspaper "Obninsk" №83-84 (2625-2626) from 17.06.06).



On Lenin prospectus and Belkinskaya street crossing the general investor of construction "Construction management "Mosoblstroy", general director V. Shardin builds 17 - floor apartment house. Customer - metropolitan "Stroycomplex" (general director F. Fatkullin).

Each apartment will have the large inhabited area, glass packets, entrance iron doors and Internet. Besides three 17-floor houses two 22-floor houses will be build, and also trade objects, entertaining centre, children's garden will be done. "Mosoblstroy" has brought the significant changes to the project of engineering systems for houses in Obninsk. We have never got such tall ones before. The urban engineering networks are not designed for additional capacities. It is necessary much to change and to make anew. For example, it is necessary to construct giving pumps and systems of water clearing, to improve electrosupply, ventilation and fire protection opportunities, to apply devices of the account and highly effective convectors to systems of water supply and heating. There are apartments from the second floor there. One-room one has the common area of 48 sq.m., two-room - 66, three-room one - 82 sq.m. Construction of new microarea needs five years. There will be 96 apartments in first built house.        (Is more detailed at newspaper "Obninsk" №54-55 (2596-2597) from 06.04.22).


        A State Centre of science of Russian Federation - Institute of Physics and Power Engineering - versatile scientific organization conducting complex researches of physics-technical problems of a nuclear science and engineering. Institute of Physics and Power Engineering (IPPE) of Russian Federation is based May 31, 1946. It became first in the country by institute created for nuclear reactor development.

Beloyarsk APS

     June 27, 1954 in institute the start-up by First in the world an atomic power station created in cooperation with conducting research institutes, design bureaues and enterprises of the ministry was held.

     For 50 years under a scientific management and at participation of institute more than 120 projects 0f various reactors for civil and military applications, among which are developed:

 Nuclear submarines


  • First two blocks of Beloyarsk Atomic Power Station (APS), transportable APS "TES-3" in Obninsk, Bilibinsk Atomic Heat Power Station (AHPS) in Chukotka on thermal neutron reactors;

  • Research reactors on fast neutrons БР-10 in Obninsk and БОР-60 in Dimitrovgrad, first in the world power reactor on fast neutrons БН-350 in Kazakhstan, fast reactor БН-600 of Beloyarsk APS, pulse fast reactors such as ИБР in Dubna;

  • Reactors for a series of nuclear submarines cooled by liquid metals in an alloy of lead-bismuth;

  • Space APU "БУК", "ТОПАЗ" on heat-electrical and heat-emission transformation of energy.

     High scientific potential of the scientists and experts, the scientific schools and unique experimental base of institute provide realization of the problem-oriented basic researches and maintenance of base of knowledge in areas:

  • Nuclear and physics of reactors, physics of radiating protection;

  • Physics of plasma and laser physics;

  • Physics of heat, physics of water-power, dinamics of gas and plasma, technology of heat-carriers;

  • Physics of radiating damages and radiated materials.

     The results of basic researches form the basis for works on the projects of nuclear power.

     The creation of the reactors on fast neutrons with liquid metal heat-carrier is a priority direction in innovation activity of institute. Fast reactors, the safety, appropriate to the most rigid modern requirements, ecological acceptability, competitiveness, will make a basis of large-scale nuclear power of new century.

     The state power program stipulates to build fast reactor БН-800 with sodium heat-carrier in Russia till 2010.


     The perspective development include works on fast power reactor of a modular type СВБР-75/100 with heavy liquid metal heat-carrier (lead-bismuth), on space APU with a resource more than 15 years for automatic high-orbital systems with various high-temperature liquid metal heat-carriers Na-K, Li, Na-K-Cs.

     Under a scientific management of institute the new projects of low power APU "РУТА" and "BREAKWATER" for manufacture electrical and thermal energy in the removed areas are prepared.

     On the basis of institute function the international centre of the nuclear data; the Russian methodical centre under the account and control of nuclear materials; the branch centres - physics of heat data, standard data from the field of radiating protection and safety, centre of integrated experiments and reactor constants.

     On the basic directions of scientific and technical activity in institute the scientific, technological and engineering schools recognized in Russia and abroad are created.

     The institute carries out wide scientifically - technical cooperation with conducting scientific organizations of Russia and many countries of the world.

     Among the major international projects of institute - cooperation with France on fast reactors, joint from USA, France, Germany and Japan of research on recycling ex-weapon materials in reactor БН-600; joint development of the project Chinese fast reactor СЕFR, Korean fast reactor KALIMER etc.

     The market economy has caused development of commercial activity in the field of high technologies.

Generators of techneseum for early medical diagnostics

     In institute are made

  • Reactor isotopes of medical and technical purpose;

  • Polymeric track membrane;

  • Aerosol filters for clearing air of firm toxic and radioactive impurity.

     By the orders are made

  • Monitoring systems of the heat-carrier's leaks of the first contour the reactors such as ВВЭР;

  • Thermal pipes for atomic engineering, space researches, metallurgy, glass industry, agriculture;

  • Independent sources of a current and heat used as stations with cathode protection for main gas pipelines;

  • Microthermocouples for measurement of temperatures of various environments in a range from -200 up to 2500С.

     Prepare for release

  • Analytical track membranes for the microbiological control of water;

  • Household without pressure water filters.

Press - service of Institute of Physics and Power Engineering


Atomic power unit BN-800

Fast-neutron Power Station BN-800 in the closed fuel cycle With the improved technical and economic parameters     (To increase...)

The purpose of the project realization: transition from an open fuel cycle with uranium fuel (BN-600) to the closed uranium - plutonium fuel cycle by the mixed fuel including creation of manufacture of the mixed fuel and improvement of the closed cycle with its introduction in manufacture.

The innovation characteristics:

Self-security of the block from external and internal influences.

Passive means of influence on reactivity; the emergency cooling system; pallet for the melted fuel picking up.

Zero hole sodium effect does not act on reactivity.

The minimal probability of failure from melting up of an active zone.

Exception of plutonium allocation in a fuel cycle at processing the irradiated nuclear fuel.

The basic characteristics

Electrical power

800 МW

Heat power

2100 МW



Plutinium consumption

1700 кg/year



Resource of works

40 years





The closed fuel cycle with Fast-neutron Power Unit such as BN-800      (To increase...)

In the closed fuel cycle Unit BN-800 provides:

Effective using power and weapon plutonium.

Technological support  of non-distribution mode.

Improvement of the ecological characteristics of a nuclear fuel cycle.

Press - service of Institute of Physics and Power Engineering



 Obninsk, Kaluga region, Russia;

Tel. +7-484-395-9115; e-mail: Tatiana

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